전체 글318 왕초보영어 : 일상-체중(단것 좋아하던 네가 웬일이야) 탄산음료 좀 마시자. 나 목말라 !와, 너 많이 변했다 ! Let's have some soda. I'm thirsty !Nah, Sodas have too much sugar in them.I'm trying to watch my weight.Wow, You have chaned a lot ! M Let's have some saoa. I'm thirsty ! let's (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하자 let's not (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하지 말자 soda = 탄산음료 = pop = carbonated drink Let's eat here. Let's not eat here. Let's pray first. Z Nah, Sodas have too much sugar .. 2024. 4. 29. 왕초보영어 : 관계-잠수(아무튼 거짓말이기만 해 봐) 그럼, 왜 전화를 안 받았어?나한테 거짓말하지 않는 게 좋을 걸? I swear I was with Mayu, yesterday.Why didn't you pick up the phone, then?My phone was dead. I'm serious !You'd better not lie to me. M I swear I was with Mayu yesterday. swear = 맹세하다 , swear at sb = 욕을 하다 i swear + (평서문) = 맹세하고 (평서문) 이야. I swear I helped them. I swear I didn't cry. Z Why didn't you pick up the phone, then? pick up the phon.. 2024. 4. 28. 왕초보영어 : 직업-사진(여권 사진 찍으러 사진관으로) 안녕하세요, 여권용 사진이 필요한데요.아뇨, 한국 여권을 위한 거예요. 왜요? Hi, I need a photo for my passport.Is this for an American passport?No. It's for a Korean passport. Why?Oh, The size is different. Follow me this way. M Hi, I need a photo for may passport. photo = 사진 = photograph need (명사) = (명사)가 필요하다 I need your support. We need soap. soap = 비누(셀 수 없는 명사) passport = 여권 vs boarding pass = 탑승권 Z Is this.. 2024. 4. 28. 왕초보영어 : 여행-배고픔(여행도 좋지만 좀 먹읍시다 실례지만, 점심은 언제죠 ?아내랑 저 엄청 배고프거든요. Excuse me, When is lunch ?My wife and I are really starving.We are going to stop at a rest area for 30 minutes.You can have lunch there, If you want. M Excuse me, When is lunch ? when is (명사) ? = (명사) 가 언제죠 ? When is his wedding day ? When is your graduation ? What time is lunch ? = 시간 M My wife and I are really starving. hangry = 배고파서 화가 난 (주어) and .. 2024. 4. 26. 왕초보영어 : 여행-무알콜(여행 와서 무알콜 맥주 한잔) 무알콜 맥주도 있나요?두 캔이랑 프렌치프라이도 좀 주세요. Do you have non-alcoholic beers, too?Sure. How many cans do you want?Let me have two and some French fries.Ok, the fries will be ready in 5 minutes. M Do you have non-alcoholic beers, too? beer = 맥주, non-alcoholic = 무알콜인 too = ~도, 또한 I need new sneakers, too. Do you have plastic bags, too. Z Sure. How many cans do you want? can = 캔 vs bottle = 병 h.. 2024. 4. 26. 왕초보영어 : 관계-다툼(얼굴에 화가 다 드러나) 너 또 여자 친구랑 싸웠어?뻔하지. 얼굴이 다 말해 주는데. Did you fight with your girlfriend again?How did you know that?It's obvious. Your face says it all.I should calm down. God, I'm so angry. M Did you fight with your girlfriend again? fight + with (목적어) = (목적어)와 싸우다 Did you fight with your sister? I fought with my husband. fight = 말 or 행동 vs have a argument = 말싸움 fight with = argue with make up = 화해하다Z .. 2024. 4. 25. 이전 1 ··· 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ··· 53 다음