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전체 글317

왕초보영어 : 일상-방청소(좀 치우고 살자, 친구야) 우웩 ! 너 사는 데 엄청 냄새나 ! 여긴 치우긴 하니? Eww ! Your place is so stinky ! I didn't throw out the garbage. That's why. Do you ever clean this place? I do it once a month. So, yeah. M Eww ! Your place is so stinky ! stinky -> smelly Eww ! = 우웩 ! (발음 : 이~유) Eww ! That's nasty ! Eww ! What is this smell? Z I didn't throw out the garbage. That's why. throw > threw > thrown throw out (명사) = (명사)를 내다 버리다 I will .. 2024. 4. 24.
왕초보영어 : 일상-이상형(지금이 찬스다, 친구야) 흰 운동화 신은 저 남자 누구지? 여자 친구 있는 거 같아? Who's that guy in the white sneakers? That's Mike's best man. His name is Peter. Do you think he has a girlfriend? I think he recently broke up with his girlfriend. M Who's that guy in the white sneakers? sneaker = 운동화 in (명사) = (명사)를 입은 / 신은 / 쓴 = wearing Who's that girl in the yellow skirt? Do you know that lady in the black pants? Z That's Mike's best man. Hi.. 2024. 4. 24.
왕초보영어 : 직업-유투버(좋아하는 인플루언스를 만난다면) 맙소사 ! 나는 항상 당신 비디오를 봐요 ! 당신은 유명인 이잖아요 ! OMG ! I watch your videos all the time ! Thanks for subscribing to my channel ! You are like a celebrity ! No, I'm just an amateur cook with some wit. M OMG ! I watch your videos all the time ! all the time = 매번 = regular omg = oh my god = 세상에 He comes to this caf'e all the time. She complains all the time. Z Thanks for subscribing to my channel ! subscrib.. 2024. 4. 24.
왕초보영어 : 가정-픽업(우린 최고의 팀이죠) 여보, 마유 좀 어린이집에서 픽업할 수 있어요? 나 대신해 줘서 고마워요. Honey, Can you pick up Mayu from the nursery? Sure. I can pick him up at around 6. Thanks for doing it for me. Don't thank me. It's a team effort, right. M Honey, Can you pick up Mayu from the nursery? nursery = 어린이집 vs kinder garten = 유치원 pick up (목적어) + fron (명사) = (목적어)를 (명사)에게 픽업하다. Pick up Piter from the hotel. I picked him up from the supermarket. .. 2024. 4. 23.
왕초보영어 : 가정-안닮음(그림은 취미로만 하는 걸로) 이건 내 그림 중 하나예요. 자기예요 내 그리기 실력을 놀리는 거예요? This is one of my drawings. It's you. Um... Are you sure this is me? It doesn't look like me at all. Are you making fun of my drawing skills? M This is one of my drawings. It's you. drawing(펜/연필) vs painting(붓/칠) one of (복수명사) = (복수명사) 중 하나 Jame is one of my friends. One of them is a lawyer. Z Um...Are you sure this is me? yes, I'm suer this is you. are yo.. 2024. 4. 23.
왕초보영어 : 일반-결혼시즌(겨울 결혼도 낭만 있잖아) 엄청 많은 사람이 4월에 결혼을 하네. 난 12월에 결혼하고 싶은데. So many people get married in April. Well, More people get married in May. I want to get married in December. Same here. Wedding venues are way cheaper in winter. M So many people get married in April. get married = (동사) 결혼하다 > got married marry(~와 결혼하다) vs get married(결혼자체 / 상태) many (복수명사) = 많은 (복수명사)들 James has many friends. Many people came to visit. Z .. 2024. 4. 23.