전체 글318 왕초보영어 : 직업-바람(간호사님은 천사야) 간호사님. 저 걷는 것 좀 도와주실 수 있을까요?그냥 신선한 공기 좀 쐬고 싶어서요. Nurse. Could you help me walk?Oh, Do you need to go to the bathroom?I just want to get some fresh air.No problem. Here. Let me hold you. M Nurse. Could you help me walk? could you > can you could you (동사원형) ? = (동사원형) 해 주실 수 있을까요? Could you talk somewhere else? Could you take a picture for us? Z Oh, Do you need to go to the bathroom? ne.. 2024. 5. 4. 왕초보영어 : 일상-만료(진작 확인하지 그랬어) 아, 이런. 여권이 곧 만료되네.아, 서두르는 게 좋겠어 ! Oh, No. My passport is expiring soon.Go to the korean consulate in New York City.They might have an express service.Oh, I'd better hurry ! M Oh, No. My passport is expiring soon. expire = 만료되다(서류 / 음식 / 쿠폰...) + (tomorrow / tonight / soon / hour..) be (~ing) = (~ing) 해 (=확정된 미래 사실) The bus is arriving in 5 minutes. My driver's license is expiring soo.. 2024. 5. 4. 왕초보영어 : 가정-일과(서로서로 바쁜 것도 괜찮아) 회사에서의 하루 좀 어땠어요?저도 그림 그리느라 바빴죠. How was your day at work?I was busy as usual. How was yours?I was busy with my paintings.Ooh, Nice ! I cannot wait to see them. </.. 2024. 5. 3. 왕초보영어 : 여행-폭포(나이아가라 폭포에 가면 다 젖어.) 몇 시에 만나야 할까요?저희 뭐라도 가져가야 하나요? What time should we meet you?I'll see you guys at 7 in the lobby.Do we have to bring anything?We are going to Niagara falls, so bring some towels. M What time should we neet you? when = 날짜 / 시간 vs what time = 시간 what time (질문어순)? = 명시에 (질문어순)이니? What time do you go to work? What time can you come? When did you arrive? Z I'll see you guys at 7 in the lo.. 2024. 5. 3. 왕초보영어 : 여행-길찾기(따라 가는 게 가장 확실해) 이 미술관 찾는 거 도와주실 수 있나요?엄청 친절하세요 ! 감사합니다 ! Can you help me find this gallery?<p style="color: #333333; text.. 2024. 5. 2. 왕초보영어 : 관계-인사(그래도 이웃인데 인사는 해야지) 정말? 가서 인사해야 하나?가서 옷만 좀 입을께. A young couple moved in next door.Really? Should we go and say hi?Yeah. They seem like nice people.Let me just go and get dressed. M A young couple moved in next door. move in = 이사 들어가다 move out = 이사 나가다 next door = 옆집에 / 옆집으로 A girl lives next door. The singer moved in next door. Z Really? Should we go and say hi? say hi = say hello = 인사하다 should we/i .. 2024. 5. 2. 이전 1 ··· 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ··· 53 다음