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전체 글317

왕초보영어 : 직업-마사지(강력한 손맛을 가진 마사지사) 네, 저 좀 살살해 주세요. 아야 ! 엄청 심하게 아파요. If it hurts too much, Let me know. Ok, Please go easy on me. Ouch ! It hurts so bad. I'm sorry. I'll be more gentle. M If it hurts too much, let me know. it hurts = 아프다 It hurts here. Does it really hurts? if (평서문) = (평서문) 이면 If you are hungry, eat this cake. If you are sleppy, go to bed. Z Ok, Please go easy on me. go easy + on (목적어) = (목적어)를 살살 대하다 go easy go h.. 2024. 4. 22.
왕초보영어 : 여행-폭포(여행지에서 폭포는 못 참지) 와. 저기 저거 뭐야? 사진 찍으러 더 가까이 가야 하나? Wow. What's that over there? It looks like a giant waterfall ! Should we get closer to take some pictures? Yeah ! Get your camera ready ! M Wow. What's that over there? over there = 저기에 / 저기에서 Iris lives over there. I saw something over there. Z It looks like a giant waterfall ! giant = huge = 엄청 큰 / 대단한 look like (명사) = (명사) 같이처럼 생기다 / 보이다 , 처럼 생기다 / 보이다 It look.. 2024. 4. 22.
왕초보영어 : 가정-시험(하필 왜 내 졸업식 날에) 너 내 졸업식에 올 거지? 아, 이런. 진심이야? You are coming to my graduation, right? I'm not sure. I have am exam that day. Oh, no. Are you serious? I can't miss it. It's an important one. M You are coming to my graduation. right? graduate = 졸업하다 vs graduation = 졸업(식) (평서문), right? = (평서문)이지? You guys are coming, right? This is not yours, right? Z I'm not sure. I have an exam that day. test(포괄적 시험) > exam(특별한 시험.. 2024. 4. 22.
왕초보영어 : 여행-이발(머리 다듬으러 미용실로) 머리 자르고 싶은데요. 그냥 다듬기만 하고 싶어요. 그게 다예요. I would like to get a haircut, please. Do you have a specific style in mind? I just want to get a trim. That's all. Sure. Have a seat here, please. M I'd like to get a haircut, please. get a haircut = 머리 자르다 I got a haircut here. You should get a haircut. Z Do you have a specific style in mind? have (명사) + in mind = (명사)를 마음에 두고 있다 Do you have something in mi.. 2024. 4. 21.
왕초보영어 : 일상-뒷좌석벨트(뒷좌석도 안전하진 않아) 왜 좌석 벨트 안 매고 있니 뒷 좌석이 더 안전할 거 같니? 아니야 ! Why aren't you wearing your seat belt? I'm in the back seat, Mom Do you think back seats are safer? No ! All right, I'll put it on right now. M Why aren't you wearing your seat belt? wear = 착용하다(상태) vs put on = 착용하다(행동) wear > wore > worn why (질문어순) = 왜 (질문어순)이니? Why aren't you eating? Why do you hate Jessica? Z I'm in the back seat, Mom back seat = 뒷좌석 vs.. 2024. 4. 21.
왕초보영어 : 관계-베프(내 동생은 절대 안된다) 와, 누군데? 나도 아는 애야? 사라져. 난 네 베프가 아니다. I'm in love with my best friend's sister. Wow, Who is she? Do i know her? You do...Because it's your sister Miyu. Go away. I'm not your best friend. M I'm in love with my best friend's sister. best friend = 베프 / 가장 친한 친구 = BFF be in love with (목적어) = (목적어)와 사랑에 빠져있다. be in love(상태) vs fall in love(행위) I love you(포괄적) vs I am in love with(연인) We are in love wit.. 2024. 4. 21.