전체 글318 왕초보영어 : 관계-불통(이렇게 무심하기 있기 없기) 남편이 나한테 전화나 물자를 절대 안 해.했어. 자긴 항상 바쁘대. My husband never calls me or texts me.You should say something to him.I did. He always says He's busy.You know what? You have to teach him a lessom. M My husband never calls me or texts me. text = ~에게 문자를 하다. = message(명사 / 동사) never (동사) = 절대 (동사) 안 한다. I never talked about you. He never smiles or laughs. Z You should say something to him. say .. 2024. 6. 20. 왕초보영어 : 직업-헬창(지옥에서 온 트레이너) 더 이상 못 뛸 거 같아요.이렇게 빕니다, 트레이너님 ! 저 죽어요 ! I don't think I can run any longer.Don't be so weak ! Keep running !I'm begging you, man ! I'm dying !Ok, then. Take a 3-minute break. M I don't think I can run any longer. any longer = (기간) run > ran > run I don't think + (평서문) = (평서문)이 아닌거 같아. I don't think I can come. I don't think She is lying. Z Don't be so weak ! Keep running ! weak .. 2024. 6. 19. 왕초보영어 : 일상-폭우(초보 운전에게 비는 쥐약이야) 아, 이런. 나 오늘 차 써야 하는데.그렇지만 겁이 나. 나 초보 운전이라... Look out the window ! It's pouring outside !Oh, No. I have to use a car today.But I'm scared. I'm a beginner driver....Just take a taxi. It's not safe. M Look out the window ! It's pouring outside ! pour = 붓다 / (비가) 쏟아지다 vs raining hard pour = 쏟아지다 vs poor = 불쌍한 : 동일 발음 look out (명사) = (명사) 밖을 보다. She looked out the window. Look out .. 2024. 6. 18. 왕초보영어 : 가정-집초대(굳이 요리하지 않아도 돼) 그런데 이번 주말엔 내가 바쁠 거예요.확실해요? 마음이 안 좋은데. I'm thinking of inviting my co-workers over.I'll be busy this weekend though.That's okay. We can just order some food.Are you sure? I feel bad. M I'm thinking of inviting my co-workers over. invite = 초대하다. think + of (~ing) = (ing) 할까 생각하다. I'm thinking of selling my car. We are thinking of working together. Z I'll be busy this weekend though. w.. 2024. 6. 17. 왕초보영어 : 여행-호캉스(아기 데리고 휴가 가기 힘들지) 이번 여름에 휴가 가니?맞네. 그럼 그냥 호캉스를 가. Are you going on vacation this summer?It won't be easy because we have a baby now.That's true. Just take a staycation, then.Let me know if you know a good resort. M Are you going on vacation this summer? go on vacation = 휴가를 가다 I want to go on vacation. I have never gone on vacation. this summer vs last summer Z It won't be easy because we have a baby now.. 2024. 6. 14. 왕초보영어 : 관계-절교(어색한 사이에 어떻게 만나) 너 마유 생일 파티에 가?그래도 너희 베프이곤 했잖아. Are you going to Mayu's birthday party?Nah, We haven't talked in years.But you guys used to be best friends.It's a long story. I'll tell you later. M Are you going to Mayu's birthday party? be (~ing) = (~ing) 해 Are you coming, too. Is your friend leaving soon? Z Nah, We haven't talked in years. talk = 애기하다 in years = 수년간 / 수년 동안 I haven't seen Jerry i.. 2024. 6. 13. 이전 1 ··· 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ··· 53 다음