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전체 글318

왕초보영어 : 가정-밤샘(어릴 땐 참 잠이 안 왔지) 왜 아직 깨어 있니? 11시잖아.안돼, 내일 학교 가잖니. Why are you still awake? It's 11.I'm not sleepy at all.Can i watch TV for a while.No, You have school tomorrow !   M Why are you still awake? It's 11.   awake = (형) 깨어있는 vs wake = (동) 깨어있다   asleep = 잠들어 있는   why (질문어순) ? = 왜 (질문어순) 이니?   Why did you pinch me?   Why are you mad?   why = 왜  vs  how come = 어째서   Why are you still awake?  vs  How come you are still .. 2024. 7. 8.
왕초보영어 : 여행-쇼핑(내 스타일이지만 색상이 없을 땐) 이 셔츠 빨간색으로 있나요?차라리 그렇게 하는 게 더 낫겠네요. Do you have this shirt in red?Unfortunately. That's the last one.You can order it on our online store If you want.I might as well do that.   M Do you have this shirt in red?   do you have (명사) in (색) ? = (명사)가 (색)으로 있나요?   Do you have this skirt in black?   Do you have this scarf in white?   We have this hat in blue. Z Unfortunately. That's the last one.   the.. 2024. 7. 5.
왕초보영어 : 관계-고부(이런 관계 너무 좋아) 시어머니랑 관계가 괜찮니?어떻게 그래? 부럽다. Do you have a good relationship with your mother-in-law?Yeah. We talk to each other every day.How do you do that? I envy you.She's like my own mother.   M Do you have a good relationship with your mother-in-law?   mother-in-law = 시어머니 / 장모님   Is your mother-in-law Italian?   My mother-in-law is so cool.   father-in-law = 시아버지 / 장인어른   brother-in-law = 형부 Z Yeah. We tal.. 2024. 7. 4.
왕초보영어 : 직업-용달견적(가구 용달 서비스) 퀸 사이즈 침대 옮기는 데 얼마죠?Wayne이요. 건물 내에 엘리베이터가 있어요. How much is it to move a queen-sized bed?Where is it going?In Wayne. There's an elevator in the building.That would be $70.   M How much is it to move a queen-sized bed?   how much is/was it + to (동사원형) ? = (동사원형) 하는 데 얼마죠?   How much is it to wash my car?   How much is it to get a haircut?   How much was it to move it? Z Where is it going?   where +.. 2024. 7. 3.
왕초보영어 : 일상-맵찔(짬뽕을 못 먹는 슬픔) 점심으로 짬뽕을 좀 주문하자.그렇게 안 매워. Let's order some jjamppong for lunch.You know I can't eat spicy food.It's not that spicy.I'll order jajangmyeon instead.   M Let's order some jjamppong for lunch.   for lunch = 점심으로   I ate spaghetti for lunch.   What did you eat for lunch?   I ate bulgogi for dinner. Z You know I can't eat spicy food.   spicy = 매운 / 양념 맛이 강한 vs hot = 뜨거운 / 매운   you know + (평서문) = (평서문).. 2024. 7. 2.
왕초보영어 : 가정-큰집(무거워지는 부모님의 어깨) 아이들이 빠르게 자라고 있어요.우리 더 큰 아파트로 이사해야겠어요. The kids are growing up fast.We should move to a bigger apartment.Let me go to the bank tomorrow.I need to get another loan.   M The kids are growing up fast.   fast = 빠르게 / 빨리 vs fastly(x) slowly   grow = 자라나다 > grew > grown   grow up = 자라다 / 성장하다.   My baby is growing up fast.   I grew up in Phoenix. M We should move to a bigger apartment.   should (동사원형).. 2024. 7. 1.