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전체 글318

왕초보영어 : 직업-슈퍼모델의 조언 한마디 슈퍼모델의 조언 한마디오늘 런웨이에서 멋져 보였어요 !저도 언젠가 당신 같은 모델이 되고 싶어요 ! You looked amazing on the runway !I want to be a model like you someday.Always remember ; confidence is key.Believe in yourself and work hard.   M You looked amazing on the runway !   runway = 모델 런웨이 / 활주로   look (형용사) = (형용사) 해 보이다.   You look chic.   Wendy looks upset.   Do i look pretty? M I want to be a model like you someday !   model .. 2024. 7. 24.
왕초보영어 : 일상-엄청 웃긴 스탠드업 코미디언 너 Jim이 하는 스탠드업 코미디 쇼에 한 번이라도 가 본 적 있어?여태껏 가장 웃긴 코미디언이야. Have you ever been to Jim's stand-up comedy show?Yeah, Once. He was just hilarious!I laughed so hard the whole time.He's fanniest comedian ever.   M Have you ever been to Jim's stand-up comedy show?   have you been + to (명사) = (명사)에 가/와 본 적 있어?   Have you been to Wonju?   Have you been to their concert?   Have you been to this restaurant?  .. 2024. 7. 24.
왕초보영어 : 가정-트렁크가 많이 모자라 우리 더 큰 차가 필요한 거 같지 않아요?트렁크가 유모차를 넣기에 너무 작아요. Don't you think we need a bigger car?That's ture. We have a baby now.The trunk is too small for a stroller.Ok. I know a goodused car dealer.   M Don't you think we need a bigger car?   Don't you think + (평서문) ? = (평서문)인 거 같지 않아?   Don't you think this is too bright?   Don't you think She is too greedy?   bigger = 더 큰  vs  smaller = 더 작은   greedy = 욕심많.. 2024. 7. 24.
왕초보영어 : 여행-식사하고 기분만 망쳤네. 웨이트한테 팁을 줄 기분이 아니야.매니저와 얘기해야 할까 봐. I don't feel like tipping the waiter.Yeah. He was kind of rude.Maybe I should talk to the manager.Just ignore him. It's not worth it.   M I don't feel like tipping the waiter.   tip = (동사) 팁을 주다   feel like (~ing) = (~ing) 하고 싶은 기분이다.   I feel like going outside.   I don't feel like eating.   I felt like crying.   feel like  Z Yeah. He was kind of rude   rude =.. 2024. 7. 19.
왕초보영어 : 관계-뭐야... 자랑하는 거야. 네 첫사랑 기억나?아니. 여자 친구가 너무 많았어서. Do you remember your first love?Yeah. Her name is Wendy. We met in college.What about you? Do you remember yours?Nah. I've had too many girlfriends.   M Do you remember your first love?   Do you remember (명사) ? = (명사) 기억나?   Do you remember your first dog?   Do you remember my birthday? Z Yeah. Her name was Wendy. We met in college.   in college = 대학에서   I majored i.. 2024. 7. 18.
왕초보영어 : 직업-경찰서에 사고 보고하기 작은 사고를 보고하려고 왔는데요.자전거를  탄 남자가 절 치고 그냥 도망갔어요. I am here to report a minor accident.Ok. Can you give me more details?A man on a bicycle hit me and just padaled away.I see. Could you fill out this form?   M I am here to report a minor accident.   accident = 사고   I am here + to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하려고 왔는데요.   I am here to see Mr. Lin.   I am here to open an account. Z Ok. Can you give me more details?  .. 2024. 7. 17.