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왕초보영어 : 직업-슈퍼모델의 조언 한마디

by 가나다미 2024. 7. 24.

슈퍼모델의 조언 한마디

오늘 런웨이에서 멋져 보였어요 !

저도 언젠가 당신 같은 모델이 되고 싶어요 !


You looked amazing on the runway !

I want to be a model like you someday.

Always remember ; confidence is key.

Believe in yourself and work hard.



M You looked amazing on the runway !

   runway = 모델 런웨이 / 활주로

   look (형용사) = (형용사) 해 보이다.

   You look chic.

   Wendy looks upset.

   Do i look pretty?


M I want to be a model like you someday !

   model = 모델

   want to be (명사) = (명사)가 되고 싶다.

   I want to be Pengsu.

   Grace want to be a teacher.

   Do you want to be a comedian?




Z Always remember ; confidence is key.

   key = (형) 핵심인 / 중요한

   (동사원형). = (동사원형) 하세요

   Memorize these words.

   Follow my lead.


Z Believe in yourself and work hard.

   believe = 믿음(가치)  believe in = 신뢰(내면)

   believe in (목적어) = (목적어)를 믿다.

   Do you believe in love?

   I believe in my self.


Q 난 (비행기) 승무원이 되고 싶어.

   I want to be a flight attendant.



 *  More expressions


Look(형용사) = (형용사) 해 보인다.
You look so anxious.  What's wrong.
You look different.
This car looks new.
Do i look anxious ?
You look bored.
You look so serious.

I looks very swollen.     swollen = 부은(형용사)

You look scared !         scared = 무서원 하는 / 겁먹은 (형용사)

Your car looks sleek !      sleek = 매끈한 / 윤이나는 (형용사)

I don't think so.  He does look familiar.

   familiar = 낯익은 / 친숙한  vs  unfamiliar = 낯선 / 익숙하지 않은

You look interested.

Leslie looks worried.

   does look = 강조의 의미 > looks

This one looks good. What's in it?

   good = delicious

They look strict.

It looks difficult.

Your baby looks cute.

You looked amazing on the runway !

   runway = 모델 런웨이 / 활주로

You look chic.

Wendy looks upset.

Do i look pretty?