전체 글318 왕초보영어 : 관계-무료티켓(청혼을 위한 플랜 I) 그날 늦게 퇴근할지도 몰라.무슨 일인데, 자기야 ? Do you have time on the 14th.I might get off work late that day.What's up, honey.Oh, A friend of mine gave me free musical tickets. M Do you have time on the 14th. have time = 시간이 있다 vs have the time = 몇 시인가요? I have time on the 10th. I don't have time tomorrow. Z I might get off work late that day. get off work = 퇴근하다 go to work = 출근하다 We got off work e.. 2024. 5. 26. 왕초보영어 : 직업-반지구매(반지 사는게 부끄러워 I) 괜찮은 반지를 찾고 있는데요.여자친구 한 테 청혼할 계획이라서요... I am looking for a decent ring.I am planning to propose to my girlfriend. so...Good for you ! Congratulations !I guess You are doing it on valentine's Day. M I am looking for a decent ring. decent = 괜찮은 / 나쁘지 않음 = not bad = pretty good I have a decent job. be (~ing) = (~ing) 하고 있다 I am waiting for Jason. She is taking a shower. M I am planning .. 2024. 5. 25. 왕초보영어 : 일상-집종류(긴장되는 이사견적 II) 침실 3개가 있는 콘도예요.엘리베이터는 없지만 1층에 살아요. Do you live in a single-family home or condominium ?It is condominium with three bedrooms.Is there an elevator in the building ?No, But we live on 1st floor. M Do you live in a single-family home or a condominium ? single-family home = 단독 주택 My parents live in a single-family home. There are many simgle-family home in california. Z It's condominium with.. 2024. 5. 24. 왕초보영어 : 가정-병가(남편이 걱정하는 게 싫었던 아내) 몸이 안 좋아서, 전화해서 아프다고 했어.별일 아니야. 괜찮을 거야. Don't you have work today ?I am not feeling well, so I called in sick.Why didn't you tell me ?It is not a big deal. I will be fine. M Don't you have work today ? don't you (동사원형) ? = (동사원형) 하지 않아 ? Don't you work tomorrow ? Don't you have children ? = kids ? Z I am not feeling well, so I called in sick. I am not feeling well = 병명을 모르고 아픈 것 vs I am.. 2024. 5. 23. 왕초보영어 : 관계-재회(진작에 말을 해 주지 그랬어) 그걸 왜 물어봐?너무 늦었어. 새 남자 친구 생겼어. Are you seeing anyone right now?Why do you ask me that?I want to get back with you. I need you.It's too late. I have a new boyfriend. M Are you seeing anyone right now? be seeing (명사) = (명사)를 만나 보는 중이다. I'm seeing someone. She is not seeing anyone. Z Why do you ask me that? why (질문어순) ? = 왜 (질문어순) 이야? Why did you call me? Why did you call my girlfriend.. 2024. 5. 23. 왕초보영어 : 여행-마일리지(마일리지 만료되기 전에 쓰기) 저 마일리지 얼마나 있어요 ?다음 비행에 쓸 수 있나요 ? How many miles do i have ?You have about 55,000 miles.Can i use them for my next flight ?Sure. You can use them for car rentals, as well. M How many miles do i have ? mile = 마일(거리단위) how many (복수명사) ? = (복수명사) 몇 개 / 얼마나 ? How many hours do we have. How mahy stores does he own ? M You have about 55,000 miles. about (명사) = 약 (명사) / (명사)정도 I have about.. 2024. 5. 22. 이전 1 ··· 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ··· 53 다음