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왕초보영어 : 여행-마일리지(마일리지 만료되기 전에 쓰기)

by 가나다미 2024. 5. 22.

저 마일리지 얼마나 있어요 ?

다음 비행에 쓸 수 있나요 ?


How many miles do i have ?

You have about 55,000 miles.

Can i use them for my next flight ?

Sure. You can use them for car rentals, as well.



M How many miles do i have ?

   mile = 마일(거리단위)

   how many (복수명사) ? = (복수명사) 몇 개 / 얼마나 ?

   How many hours do we have.

   How mahy stores does he own ?


M You have about 55,000 miles.

   about (명사) = 약 (명사) / (명사)정도

   I have about 300 books.

   You have about 3 hours.

   55,000 = fifty-five thousand

   112,345 = one-hundred-twelve-thousand three-hundred-forty-five

   5,532,345 = five-million five-hundred-thirty-two-thousand three-hundred-forty-five



M Can i use them for my next flignt ?

   for (명사) = (명사)를 위해 / (명사)에

   I brough this for you.

   Use this coupon for your purchase.


Z Sure. You can use them for car rentals, as well.

   as well = 또한, 또



Q 그 포인트들을 당신의 다음 구매에 쓰세요

   Use these points for your next purchase.