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왕초보영어(제2366회) : 관계-이건 일생일대의 기회인가

by 가나다미 2025. 1. 9.

연설이 너무 좋았어요. 아, 제 이름은 Peter Bint입니다.

오, 맙소사... 마유 화장품 사장님이시군요.

당신과 얘기하고 싶군요. 언제 한번 연락 주세요.

그러겠습니다, 사장님 !  꼭 그럴게요 !


I loved your speech. Oh, My name is Peter Bint.

Oh, my God... You are the CEO of Mayu Cosmetics.

I'd love to talk to you. Give me a call sometime.

I will, Sir !  I will !




M I loved your speech. Oh, My name is Peter Bint.

   speech = 연설 / 발표

   (과거동사 ) = (과거동사) 했다

   I enjoyed the presentation.

   I forgot my password.


Z Oh, my God... You are the CEO of Mayu Cosmetics.

   cosmetics = 화장품,  cosmetic = 화장품의

   The CEO of (명사) = (명사)의 사장

   I'm the CEO of Peter Wear.

   She is the CEO of our company.

   Mayu is the manager of the restaurant.



M I'd love to talk to you. Give me a call sometime.

   sometime = 언젠가 / 언제 한번

   would love to > would like to > want to

   Would love to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하고 싶습니다.

   I would love to dance with you.

   We would love to join you for dinner.


Z I will, Sir !  I will !

   Will (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 것이다

   I will call you tonight.

   I will fax it to you.


Q 내가 널 픽업할 게

   I will pick you up.



*  More expressions


Would love to (동사원형) = 아주/완전 (동사원형) 하고 싶다.

Would love to > Would like to > Want to

Oh, I would love to go !

I would love to do that.

I'd love to talk to you. Give me a call sometime.

   sometime = 언젠가 / 언제 한번

I would love to dance with you.

We would love to join you for dinner.


Will (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 거야 / 할게 / 할래 / 할 것이다.

It's a long story. I'll tell you later.

It's a long story. > The story is long.

I will tell your parents.

I will be a dancer !

I'll order jajangmyeon instead.

   instead = 그 대신에

I will bring another chair.

We will pay now.

That's okay,  I'll just eat them.

   eat = 먹다 > ate > eaten

I will just come back later.

We will be inside.

I will bring you a chair.

Ok, Honey.  I will ask Dad.

   ask = ~에게 물어보다 / 물어보다

I will ask my English teacher.

I will bring you a spoon.

I will ask my grandpa.

I will, Sir !  I will !

I will call you tonight.

I will fax it to you.

I will pick you up.