59달러 99센트에 세금 추가입니다.
그럼, 총 얼마인데요?
판매세가 12%이니까 67달러 19센트죠.
12%요? 와, 너무 비싸네요?
It's $59.99 plus tax.
How much is the tatal, then?
The sales tax is 12%. So, It's $67.19.
12%? Wow, That's too steep !
M It's $59.99 plus tax.
tax = 세금, plus tax = 세금 추가, including tax = 세금 포함
It's (가격) plus tax = (가격)에 세금 추가입니다.
It's $20 plus tax.
It's only $5 plus tax.
Z How much is the total, then?
total = 총 합계
How much is/are (명사)? = (명사)가 얼마죠?
How much is this charger?
How much was the sofa?
M The sales tax is 12%. So, It's $67.19.
sales tax = 판매세, income tax = 소득세
$67.19 = 67 dollars and 19 cents = 67 / 19
$10.50 = 10 dollars and 50 cents
$25.00 = 25 dollars
$99.99 = 99 dollars and 99 cents
So, = ~이니까 / 그러니까
You apologized to me. So, We are good.
I'm hungry. So, I'm going to order something.
Z 12%? Wow, That's too steep !
steep = 가파른 / 가격이 너무 비싼
too (형용사) = 너무 (형용사)한
You are too greedy.
The questions were too easy.
Q 너무 추워 !
It's too cold !
* More expressions
How much is/are (명사)? = (명사)는 얼마예요?
How much is praking here.
How much are these socks?
How much is everything?
How much are these earrings?
Parking lot = 주차장, Parking sopt = 주차 자리
How much is the admission.
admission = 입장료
How much is the service?
How much are these glasses?
How much are these socks?
How much is the total, then?
total = 총 합계
How much is this charger?
How much was the sofa?
So = 그래서 / ~여서 / ~이니까 / 그러니까
I'm still a student, So My budget is tight.
I'm a vegetarian. So I don't eat meat.
We were tired. So We slept early.
The sales tax is 12%. So, It's $67.19.
sales tax = 판매세, income tax = 소득세
$67.19 =
You apologized to me. So, We are good.
I'm hungry. So, I'm going to order something.
Too (형용사) = 너무 (형용사)한
It's too late. I have a new boyfriend.
I'm too thirsty.
It's too early.
I know. I was too lazy.
It was too dark.
I was too greedy.
I know, but It's too cold outside.
outside = 밖 / 바깥 <=> inside = 안에
The temperature is too high.
Las Vegas is too far.
12%? Wow, That's too steep !
steep = 가파른 / 가격이 너무 비싼
You are too greedy.
The questions were too easy.
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