도와주실 수 있어요? 제가 길을 좀 잃어서요.
뭘 찾고 계시죠?
마유 수족관에 가야 하는데요.
아, 바로 길 건너에 있어요.
Can you help? I am kind of lost.
What do you looking for?
I have to get to Mayu Aquarium.
Oh, It's right across the street.
M Can you help? I'm kind of lost.
lost = 길을 잃은
kind of (형용사) = 약간 / 좀 (형용사) 한
I am kinf of excited.
The exam was kind of tough.
I kind of like her.
Z What are you looking for?
look for = ~ 길을 찾다(과정) vs find = 찾아내다(결과)
What (질문어순)? = 무엇을 (질문어순)이니?
What are you looking at?
What did Cavin tell you?
M I have to get to the Mayu Aquarium.
aquarium = 수족관, fish tank = 어항
Get to (장소) = (장소)에 가다 / 도착하다
We got to the hotel on time.
I have to get to the hotel.
How do(can) I get to the airport?
Z Oh, It is right across the street.
street = 길 / 거리(도심 속의 거리) vs road = 찻길(고속 / 넓은)
across the street = 길 건너
Q 몇 시에 넌 그 역에 도착했니?
What time did you get to the station?
* More expressions
Kind of = 좀 / 약간 / 뭐, 대충 / 좀, / 대충, / 그런 셈이죠.
kind of (형용사) = 약간 / 좀 (형용사) 한 = sort of
Thank you so much. I am kind of excited.
I'm kind of sad.
It's kind of weird.
I'm kind of mad.
I'm kind of tired.
Kind of. She was my boss.
I know him. Kind of...
Oh, Kind of. I was her boyfrien
I know. I'm kind of scared.
scared = 겁먹은 / 무서워하는 vs scary = 무서운
You are kind of annoying.
Jack is kind of weird.
Well, You are kind of lazy.
well = 음 / 뭐
She is kind of annoying.
This is kind of confusing.
I'm kind of hungry.
Yeah. He was kind of rude
rude = 의도적인 > impolite = 몰르는 경우
I was kind of disappointed.
They were kind of late.
Can you help? I'm kind of lost.
lost = 길을 잃은
I am kinf of excited.
The exam was kind of tough.
I kind of like her.
Look for (명사) = (명사)를 찾다
look for = 찾고 있다(과정) vs find = 찾아내다(결과)
I am looking for snow sleds for kids.
snow sled = 썰매, kids(캐쥬얼한 느낌) vs children
I am looking for an inexpensive car.
Your mom is looking for you.
I am looking for a decent ring.
decent = 괜찮은/나쁘지 않음 = not bad = pretty good
I'm looking for a gift for my niece.
niece = 여자 조카 vs nephew = 남자 조카
I'm looking for someone.
She is looking for a job.
Hmm. I'm looking for a portable stroller so...
portable = 휴대하기 쉬운 / 휴대용의
I am looking for a used car.
Are you looking for a job?
We are looking for a used truck.
What are you looking for?
What (질문어순)? = 무엇을 (질문어순)이니?
What are you looking at?
What did Cavin tell you?
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