왕초보영어(제2361회) : 관계-사과를 하려면 제대로 하라고
너 아직도 나한테 화났어?
약간. 나한테 제대로 사과 안 했잖아.
미안해, 친구. 내가 정말 이기적이었어.
사과 받아들일게. 이제 화해한 거다.
Are you still angry with me?
Kind of. You didn't apologize to me properly.
I'm sorry, dude. I was really selfish.
Apology accepted. We're good now.
M Are you still angry with me?
angry = 화가 난
Be Angry + with (목적어) = (목적어)에게 화가 나 있다.
be angry with > be mad at
I'm angry with them.
Why are you angry with her?
Z Kind of. You didn't apologize to me properly.
kind of = 약간 / 좀
Apologize + to (목적어) = (목적어)에게 사과하다
Apologize to my parents.
I already apologized to Peter.
properly = 제대로 <=> improperly = 적절하지 않게
M I am sorry, dude. I was really selfish.
selfish = 이기적인 <=> selfless = 이타적인
Really = 정말로
They were really rude.
I was really stupid.
Z Apology accepted. We're good now.
good = 화해한 / 사이가 다시 좋아진
accept = 받아들이다
Apology accepted = 사과 받아들일게
<=> Apology not accepted
Aplolgy accepted. Let's go and eat something.
Apology not accepted.
Q 저에게 사과하지 마세요.
Don't apology to me.
* More expressions
Really = 정말로
I am sorry, dude. I was really selfish.
selfish = 이기적인 <=> selfless = 이타적인
They were really rude.
I was really stupid.
Really not > not > not really = 별로 아닌
I don't know, and I don't really care.
care = 상관하다 / 신경 쓰다.
I am not really interested.
I don't really exercise.
I don't really drink.
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