다음 달에 내 결혼식 오지?
노력해 보긴 할 건데, 확신할 순 없어.
뭐가 더 중요하냐? 우리 우정이야 아니면 일이야?
솔직히 둘 다.
You're coming to my wedding next month, right?
I'll try, but I can't be sure.
What's more important? Our friendship or your work?
To be honest, Both.
M You're coming to my wedding next month, right?
wedding = 결혼식
marriage = 결혼 생활
Next month = 다음 달(에)
I am leaving Korea next month.
They are getting married next month.
Z I'll try, but I can't be sure.
sure = 확신하는
But = 하지만 / ~이지만
She apologized, but I'm still mad.
It looks good, but It's too expensive.
I am not angry(sure) vs I can't be angry(sure)
M What's more important? Our friendship or your work?
friendship = 우정
What is (비교급 형용사)? = 뭐가 (비교급 형용사) 하니?
What is more important to you?
What is more difficult?
What is cheaper?
Z To be honest, both.
To be honest = 솔직히 / 사실은 = honestly
To be honest, The logo looks cheap.
To be honest, Mayu is not my brother.
Q 우리에게 뭐가 더 중요하죠?
What is more important to us?
* More expressions
What is (형용사) = 뭐가 (형용사) 해?
What is (비교급 형용사)? = 뭐가 (비교급 형용사) 하니?
What is wrong? Are you okay?
wrong = 잘못된 / 틀린 / 문제인
What is good here?
What is famous in Seoul?
What is popular here?
What's more important? Our friendship or your work?
friendship = 우정
What is more important to you?
What is more difficult?
What is cheaper?
What is more important to us?
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