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왕초보영어(제2354회) : 일상-크리스마스 쇼핑은 미친 짓이야

by 가나다미 2024. 12. 24.

왕초보영어(제2354회) : 일상-크리스마스 쇼핑은 미친 짓이야

주차 자리를 못 찾겠네 !

당연히 못 찾지. 크리스마스이브잖아.

자기를 여기서 그냥 내려 줄게.

알겠어. 장난감 가게에서 만나 !


I can't find a parking spot.

Of course, You can't. It's Christmas Eve.

I'll just drop you off here.

Ok. Meet me at the toy store !



M I can't find a parking spot.

   parking sopt = 주차장 내 주차자리  vs  parking lot = 주차장

   Can't (동사원형) = (동사원형) 못한다

   I can't come out.

   We can't join them.


Z Of course, You can't. It's Christmas Eve.

   Of course not ! = 당연히 아니지 !

   It's (날 / 날짜 / 요일) = (날 / 날짜 / 요일) 이야

   It's my wife's birthday today.

   It's Christmas Day.

   Is it your birthday today.




M I'll just drop you off here.

   here = 여기에 / 여기에서 / 여기로

   Drop (목적어) off = (목적어)를 내려 주다

   Drop me off here.

   I can drop you off at the hotel.

   Drop me off behind the parking lot.

   pick someone up = ~를 픽업하다


Z Ok. Meet me at the toy store !

   store = 가게 / 상점

   Meet (목적어) = (목적어)를 만나다.

   I will meet you there.

   We first meet Jina in high school.


Q 내일은 어머니의 날이야.

   It's Mother's day tomorrow.




*  More expressions


Can't (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 수 없다 / (동사원형) 못한다

Well, I can't deny that

I can't lie to you.

She can't help James.

   deny = 부정하다 / 부인하다 <=> accept = 인정하다

I can't find a parking spot.

   parking sopt = 주차장 내 주차자리  vs  parking lot = 주차장

I can't come out.

We can't join them.


Isn't it (날/날짜/요일) ? = (날/날짜/요일) 아니야? / (날 / 날짜 / 요일) 이야

Isn't it your birthday tomorrow?

Isn't it Monday today?

Isn't it your wife's birthday today?

Isn't it Wednesday today?

Of course, You can't. It's Christmas Eve.

   Of course not ! = 당연히 아니지 !

It's my wife's birthday today.

It's Christmas Day.

Is it your birthday today.

It's Mother's day tomorrow.


Drop (목적어) off + at (장소) = (목적어)를 (장소)에서 내려주다.

Then, Drop me off at the gas station.

Drop me off at the hotel !

I dropped him off at the zoo.

Drop me off in front of the hotel.

I'll just drop you off here.

   here = 여기에 / 여기에서 / 여기로

Drop me off here.

I can drop you off at the hotel.

Drop me off behind the parking lot.

   pick someone up = ~를 픽업하다.


Meet (목적어) = (목적어)를 만나다

You are lucky !  I want to meet him, too !

   lucky = 운이 좋은 <=> unluck = 운이 없는 = not luck

I want to meet her in person.

We met in Paris.

I want to meet Mayu.

Ok. Meet me at the toy store !

   store = 가게 / 상점

I will meet you there.

We first meet Jina in high school.