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왕초보영어(제2353회) : 가정-산타 할아버지가 전화하셨다

by 가나다미 2024. 12. 23.

아빠, 산타할아버지가 진짜예요?

물론, 진짜지.  사실, 어제 아빠한테 전화하셨단다.

정말로요? 뭐라고 하셨는데요?

네가 할아버지를 믿어야 한다고 하시더구나.


Dad, Is Santa real?

Of course, He's real. In fact, He called me yesterday.

Really?  What did he say?

He said You must believe in him.



M Dad, Is Santa real?

   real = 진짜인  <==>  fake = 가짜인

   Am / Are / Is (주어) (형용사)? = (주어)가 형용사 하니?

   Am i short?

   Is your sister pretty?


Z Of course, He's real. In fact, He called me yesterday.

   In fact, = 사실, ~ = As a matter of fact

   In fact, I love Korean food.

   In fact, She asked me about you.



M Really?  What did he say?

   What (질문어순)? = 무엇을 (질문어순)이니?

   What did you say?

   What should i say?

   What are you going to do?


Z He said You must believe in him.

   believe = 믿다,  belief = 밑음

   believe(= 말 / 용어)  vs  believe in(= 내면 / 가치 / 신앙 / 신념)

   Must (동사원형) = 반드시 (동사원형) 해야만 한다

   You must come back now.

   She must bring the file.


Q 우린 반드시 지금 떠나야만 해 !

   We must leave now !



*  More expressions


What (질문어순)? = 무엇을 (질문어순)이니?

What do you do there?

What did you see there?

What can i do?

What do you need, Dad?

What can you eat?

What do you see?

Really?  What did he say?

What did you say?

What should i say?

What are you going to do?


Must (동사원형) = 분명히 (동사원형) 일 것이다. / (동사원형) 하나 보군

Must (동사원형) = 반드시 (동사원형) 해야만 한다 / (동사원형) 할 것이다.

You must be from Korea. "Annyunghaseyo?"

   from (지역) = (지역)에서 온 / 출신 인

You must be from New York.

She must have a lot of money.

You must really miss him.

   miss = 그리워하다 / 보고 싶어 하다.

You must really love him.

She must be bored.

He said You must believe in him.

   believe = 믿다,  belief = 밑음

   believe(= 말 / 용어)  vs  believe in(= 내면 / 가치 / 신앙 / 신념)

You must come back now.

She must bring the file.

We must leave now !