왕초보영어(제2352회) : 여행-록펠러 센터의 크리스마스트리
우리 큰 크리스마스트리 보러 가면 안 돼요?
네 말은, 뉴욕시에 있는 거 말이니.
네 ! 록펠러 센터에서 스케이트도 타고 싶어요 !
그래 얘야. 아빠한테 물어보마.
Can we go and see the huge Christmas tree?
You mean, The one in New York City?
Yes ! I want to skate at Rockefeller Center, too !
Ok, Honey. I will ask Dad.
M Can we go and see the huge Christmas tree?
huge = 엄청 큰 <==> tiny = 아주 작은
Go and see = (동) 보러 가다
Let's go and see the zebra.
Can we go and see the tower?
Z You mean, The one in New York City?
one = 것, yellow ones, this one...
You mean, (명사)? = (명사) 말이니? / (명사)를 말하는 거야?
You mean, The tall building?
You mean, The black Car?
M Yes ! I want to skate at Rockefeller Center, too !
skate / ski / snowboard = 스케이트 / 스티 / 스노보드를 타다
At = 장소 vs in = 지역
I am at the concert hall.
She is working at Mayu company.
Z Ok, Honey. I will ask Dad.
ask = ~에게 물어보다 / 물어보다
Will (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 것이다.
I will ask my English teacher.
I will bring you a spoon.
Q 내가 우리 할아버지께 여쭤볼 게
I will ask my grandpa.
* More expressions
Go and (동사) = 가서 (동사) 하다.
Go and see = (동) 보러 가다
Let me go and ask him.
Let's go and talk to him.
Go and see your doctor.
Go and wash your hands.
Can we go and see the huge Christmas tree?
huge = 엄청 큰 <==> tiny = 아주 작은
Let's go and see the zebra.
Can we go and see the tower?
You mean (명사)? = (명사) 말이니? / (명사)를 말하는 거야?
Oh, no. You mean your best friend Mayu?
best friend = bestie = BFF(Best Friend Forever)
You mean your friend Peter?
You mean the tall guy?
You mean, Peter Bint from WCB English?
mean = 의미하다 / 의도하다
You mean, James?
You mean, Friday?
from (명사=프로) = (명사=프로)에 나오는
You mean, The one in New York City?
one = 것, yellow ones, this one...
You mean, The tall building?
You mean, The black Car?
At (장소) = (장소)에 / 에서 / 에 있는 vs in = 지역
Yes, You can renew it at the korean Embassy in washington, DC.
Are you still at the convenience store ?
Drop me off at the hotel.
She's not here. She's at the gym.
at (장소) = (장소)에 vs in(지역) = 넓은 지역에 / 지역 안에
I'm at the airport.
Are you still at the supermarket?
You are at the wrong Gate, sir.
sir = 남자를 부르는 존칭(선생님 / 손님)
You are at the wrong building.
I'm at the library.
Yes ! I want to skate at Rockefeller Center, too !
skate / ski / snowboard = 스케이트 / 스티 / 스노보드를 타다
I am at the concert hall.
She is working at Mayu company.
Will (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 거야 / 할게 / 할래 / 할 것이다.
It's a long story. I'll tell you later.
It's a long story. > The story is long.
I will tell your parents.
I will be a dancer !
I'll order jajangmyeon instead.
instead = 그 대신에
I will bring another chair.
We will pay now.
That's okay, I'll just eat them.
eat = 먹다 > ate > eaten
I will just come back later.
We will be inside.
I will bring you a chair.
Ok, Honey. I will ask Dad.
ask = ~에게 물어보다 / 물어보다
I will ask my English teacher.
I will bring you a spoon.
I will ask my grandpa.
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