일곱 살 아들에게 뭘 사줘야 할까요?
크리스마스 선물이라면, 이 장난감을 사 주세요.
아이들은 보통 공룡을 좋아하죠.
아쉽게도, 아들이 공룡에 빠져 있진 않아요.
What should I get my 7-year-old son?
If this is a Christmas gift, get him this toy.
Kids usually love dinosaurs.
Unfortunately, He is not into dinosaurs.
M What should I get my 7-year-old son?
son = 아들
7-year-old = 7살이 된 / 7살짜리 (+ 명사) vs 7 years old(= 문장 끝)
Get = 사주다 / 가져다 주다 + (for)
What should I (동사원형)? = 내가 뭘 (동사원형) 해야 할까?
What should I eat for lunch?
What should I write about?
Z If this is a Christmas gift, get him this toy.
If (평서문) = (평서문) 이라면
If you love me, stay.
If you need my help, call me anytime.
Get (목적어) + (명사) = (목적어)에게 (명사)를 사주다
Get her some roses.
Get Mayu a car.
Z Kids usually love dinosaurs.
dinosaur = 공룡
Usually = 보통
I usually wake up at 6.
She is usually at home on weekends.
M Unfortunately, He is not into dinosaurs
unfortunately = 유감스럽게도 / 아쉽게도 <=> fortunately = 다행히도
Be into (목적어) = (목적어)에 빠져있다 / 관심이 있다
Kevin is into you.
What are you into these days?
Q 내 딸은 인형에 빠져 있어.
My daughter is into dolls.
* More expressions
If (평서문) = (평서문) 이면 / 이라면
If it hurts too much, let me know.
If you are hungry, eat this cake.
If you are sleppy, go to bed.
If this is a Christmas gift, get him this toy.
If you love me, stay.
If you need my help, call me anytime.
Get(목적어) + (명사) = (목적어)에게 (명사)를 가져다 주다 / 를 사주다
No problem. We can get you a replacement.
replacement = 대체품 / 대체하는 사람
Can you get me a towl.
I can get you more water.
No problem = No sweat
If this is a Christmas gift, get him this toy.
Get her some roses.
Get Mayu a car.
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