그렇지만 아이 돌보는 분 고용하는 건 비싼데.
그렇기는 한데, 우리 수입이 더 많아질 거니까.
그렇기는 한데, 마유가 엄청 외로울 거예요.
쉬은 결정은 아닌 것 같네요.
Hiring a babysitter is expensive though.
Yeah, But We'll have more income.
Yeah, But Mayu will be very lonely.
I guess It's not an easy decision.
M Hiring a babysitter is expensive though.
hire = 고용하다 <=> fire = 해고하다
babysitter = 아기를 돌보는 사람 = (출퇴근)
nanny = 보모 / 가정부 = (상주)
(~ing) = (~ing) 하는 것 / 하기
Learning English is fun.
I enjoy listening to music.
Z Yeah, But We'll have more income.
income = 수입 / 소득 <=> expense = 지출 / 소비
more (명사) = 더 많은 (명사)
We have more students this month.
The machine needs more power.
less(셀 수 없는) / fewer(셀 수 있는) = 더 적은
M Yeah, But Mayu will be very lonely.
lonely = (형)외로운 , alone = 혼자인
will be (형용사) = (형용사) 할 것이다
They will be shocked.
Steve will be sad.
Z I guess It's not an easy decision.
decision = 결정, decide = 결정하다
I guess + (평서문) = (평서문) 인가 보네.
I guess She is not lying.
I guess I am not your type.
Q 걷는 것은 너의 건강에 좋아
Walking is good for your health.
* More expressions
More (명사) = 더 많은 (명사)
More (복수명사) = 더 많은 (복수명사)들
Well, More people get married in May.
I want more fruits.
More people will be here tomorrow.
Ok. Can you give me more details?
Share more stories.
We need more chairs
Yeah, But We'll have more income.
income = 수입 / 소득 <=> expense = 지출 / 소비
We have more students this month.
The machine needs more power.
less(셀 수 없는) / fewer(셀 수 있는) = 더 적은
Will be (형용사) = (형용사) 할 것이다.
I'll be busy this weekend though.
They will be happy.
She will be busy tomorrow.
though = 하지만 / 그런데
I love her though. = But I love her.
She will be angry.
That'll be too big for me.
That'll = That will
That will be too small fot me.
The test will be pretty easy.
That will be too loose for me.
Yeah, But Mayu will be very lonely.
lonely = (형)외로운 , alone = 혼자인
They will be shocked.
Steve will be sad.
Guess (평서문) = (평서문) 인가 보내 / (평서문) 인가 보네
I Guess + (평서문) = (평서문) 인가 보네.
I guess you are doing it on valentine's Day.
I guess you are planning to trip in luner holiday.
I guess golbal warming is really becoming serious.
become = ~가 되다
I guess the situation is really bad.
I guess you are not interested.
I guess It's not an easy decision.
decision = 결정, decide = 결정하다
I guess She is not lying.
I guess I am not your type.
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