퀸 사이즈 침대 있는 방 있나요?
싱글 사이즈 침대 두 개 있는 방만 있어요.
오, 이런. 그럼 선택권이 없겠네요.
그래도 요금은 더 저렴합니다.
Do you have a room with a queen-size bed?
We only have rooms with two single-size beds.
Oh, no. I guess I have no choice, then.
The rates are cheaper though.
M Do you have a room with a queen-size bed?
room = 방 / 여유(관사 없을 때)
Do you have a room + with (명사)? = (명사)가 있는 방이 있나요?
Do you have a room with a double-size bed?
Do you have a room with single bed?
Z We only have rooms with two single-size beds.
bed = 침대 / 잠자리(관사 없을 때)
go to bed = 잠자리에 가다 vs go to the bed = 침대에 가다
Only have (명사) = (명사)만 있다
We only have suites.
I only have this one.
M Oh, no. I guess I have no choice, then.
guess = 추측하다 / ~인가 보다
Have no choice = 선택권이 없다 = don't have a choice
choose = 선택하다
We have no choice. = We don't have a choice.
You have no choice = You don't have a choice.
Z The rates are cheaper though.
cheaper = 더 저렴한 <=> more expensive = 더 비싼
rates = 요금 / 이율
~ Though = 하지만 / 그래도 = but ~
I am not hungry though.
He is stronger though.
I am thirsty though = But I am thirsty.
Q 싱글 사이즈 침대 있는 방 있나요?
Do you have a room with a single-size bed?
* More expressions
Only //
Only have (명사) = (명사) 밖에 없어 / (명사)만 있다
I only have this comb. Is that okay?
comb = 빗 / 빗질하다
I only have $5.
I only have a pencil.
We only have rooms with two single-size beds.
bed = 침대 / 잠자리(관사 없을 때)
go to bed = 잠자리에 가다 vs go to the bed = 침대에 가다
We only have suites.
I only have this one.
Only = 겨우
Yup. The car has only 30,000 miles.
mile = 마일(거리단위)
I only read 2 pages.
She only need her boyfriend.
30,000 = thirty thousand
Only $20? I'll take four !
take = 사다 / 취하다 / 받아들이다
It is only $5. = It is only 5 dollars = It is only 5 bucks.
It took only 10 minutes.
Only //
The Only (명사) = 유일한 (명사)
Well, He is the only nice boss here.
She is the only doctor here.
Am i the only one here.
You are not the only one.(위로/안심)
She is the only nurse here.
Choice = 선택 / 선택권 vs choose = 선택하다
Have no choice = 선택권이 없다 = don't have a choice
Oh, no. I guess I have no choice, then.
guess = 추측하다 / ~인가 보다
choose = 선택하다
We have no choice. = We don't have a choice.
You have no choice = You don't have a choice.
Have no Choice + but to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하는 것 외에는 선택권이 없다.
We have no choice but to move.
I had no choice but to fire him.
We have no choice but to sell out home.
I have no choice but to eat it.
Though //
(평서문) Though = 그래도 (평서문) 이야.
~ though = 하지만 / 그래도 / 그렇지만 = but ~
Almost! My frient Mayu did though.
I got a B though.
She didn't give up though.
he's 10. She doesn't like dolls though.
doll = 인형
I still miss him though.
I don't like carrots though.
She's 10 = She's 10 years old
He doesn't like me though.
Maybe. His nose looks like yours though.
I like the story though.
She left you though.
The rates are cheaper though.
cheaper = 더 저렴한 <=> more expensive = 더 비싼
rates = 요금 / 이율
I am not hungry though.
He is stronger though.
I am thirsty though = But I am thirsty.
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