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왕초보영어(제2345회) : 직업-달걀 프라이가 내 스타일이 아니야

by 가나다미 2024. 12. 11.

저 달걀 한쪽만 익혀 달라고 부탁드렸는데요.

정말 죄송합니다 !  저희 실수군요.

잠시만 시간 주세요.

괜찮아요. 그냥 먹을게요.


I wanted my eggs sunny-side-up.

We're terribly sorry !  It's our mistake.

Please just give us a few minutes.

That's okay. I'll just eat them.


M I wanted my eggs sunny-side-up.

   egg = 달걀,  sunny-side-up = (달걀의) 한쪽만 익힌

   over hare(well-done) > over easy > sunny-side-up

   scrambled = 스크램블이 된,  scrambled egg

   I want (명사) (형용사) = (명사)를 (형용사)하게 요리해 주세요.

   I want my eggs well-done.

   I want my steak rare.


Z We're terribly sorry !  It's our mistake.

   Terribly sorry = 정말 죄송한

   I am terribly sorry !

   We are terribly sorry, ma'am !



Z Please just give us a few minutes.

   give = ~를 주다, ~에게 주다

   a few minutes = 몇 분 / 잠시  vs a few seconds

   I need a few minutes.

   Can you give me a few minutes.

   I need a few hours.


M That's okay,  I'll just eat them.

   eat = 먹다 > ate > eaten

   Will (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 것이다.

   I will just come back later.

   We will be inside.


Q 제가 당신에게 의자 가져다 드릴게요.

   I will bring you a chair.



*  More expressions


Will (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 거야 / 할게 / 할래 / 할 것이다.

It's a long story. I'll tell you later.

It's a long story. > The story is long.

I will tell your parents.

I will be a dancer !

I'll order jajangmyeon instead.

   instead = 그 대신에

I will bring another chair.

We will pay now.

That's okay,  I'll just eat them.

   eat = 먹다 > ate > eaten

I will just come back later.

We will be inside.

I will bring you a chair.


Want to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하고 싶다.

Wrong, I want to master English.

I want to gain weight.

The layer wanted to help the woman.

Do you want to master Korean?

Kirk want to live in Korea.

Do you want to come and join us, honey.

I want to eat something.

I want to study English.

I want to stay here.

I want to get married in December.

   february, march, september

I want to get married in spring.

Do you want to borrow this?

I want to communicate like a human being.

   human being = 인간, being= 존재

   communicate = 소통하다,  communication = 소통

I want to marry you.

He wantted to run away.


Want //

Do you Want to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 래? / 하고 싶니? / 하고 싶으신가요?

Do you want to explore the city together?

   explore = 구경하며 돌아다니다 / 탐험하다

Do you want to go to the city?

Do you want to stay with us?

Do you want to eat the dinner here?

Do you want to try a size 4?
   try = 시도하다 -> 입어보다 / 먹어보다
Do you want (명사) = (명사)를 원하세요.
Do you want to try another size?
Do you want to try a size 8?


Want //

Don't Want to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하고 싶지 않다.

Don't / Doesn't want to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하고 싶지 않다.

I don't want to eat carrots !

   carrot = 당근

I don't want to give up !

She doesn't want to come !

Mayu doesn't want to speak English with me.

   speak = 말하다 / 구사하다 > spoke > spoken

She doesn't want to get up.

I don't want to cry.


Want to be (명사) = (명사)가 되고 싶다.

I want to be a model like you someday !

   model = 모델

I want to be Pengsu.

Grace want to be a teacher.

Do you want to be a comedian?


Want //

If you Want = 원하시면

You can have lunch there, If you want.

Eat these cookies, If you want.

Stay with us, If you want.

You can stay with me, If you want.


Want //

(명사) You Want = 원하는 (명사)

You can go anywhere you want.

Choose any color you want.

You can eat anything you want.

Choose any room you want.


Want //

I want (명사) (형용사) = (명사)를 (형용사)하게 요리해 주세요.

I wanted my eggs sunny-side-up.

   egg = 달걀,  sunny-side-up = (달걀의) 한쪽만 익힌

   over hare(well-done) > over easy > sunny-side-up

   scrambled = 스크램블이 된,  scrambled egg

I want my eggs well-done.

I want my steak rare.