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왕초보영어(제2343회) : 가정-회사로 복직하고 싶은 아내 I

by 가나다미 2024. 12. 9.

왕초보영어(제2343회) : 가정-회사로 복직하고 싶은 아내 I

나 복직하고 싶어요.

어떻게 생각해요, 여보?

음, 당신한테 달렸죠.

그럼, 풀타임으로 아이 봐 줄 사람이 필요하겠네요.


I want to go back to work.

What do you think, honey?

Well, It's up to you.

I guess we need a full-time babysitter, then.



M I want to go back to work.

   go back to work = 복직하다 / 일을 다시 시작하다

   When are you going back to work?

   I don't want to go back to work.

   Go back to (명사) = (명사)로 돌아가다

   I want to go back to my hometown.

   I want to go back to school.

   I want to take a break from work.

   workplace = 직장, working hours = 근무시간

   full-time job = 정규직,  part-time job = 사간제 일


Z What do you think, honey?

   honey = 자기야 / 여보 / 애야 = love / dear / sweetheart

   What do you think? = 어떻게 생각해?

   What do you think, sir?

   What do you think about this?

   What do you think about this idea?

   What do you think of the movie?

   What do you think about this name?

   What do they think?

   What does mom think?



M Well, It's up to you.

   well = hmm = let me see

   Up to (목적어) = (목적어)에게 달린

   = It's your choice = The decision is yours.

   It's up to them.

   Everything is up to you.

   Where do we eat? It's up to you.

   Should we hire someone? Hmm. It's up to you.

   Everything is up to your wife.


Z I guess we need a full-time babysitter, then.

   I guess + (평서문) = (평서문)인 것 같네.

   babysitter = 아기를 돌보는 사람 = (출퇴근)

   nanny = 보모 / 가정부 = (상주)

   full-time <=> part time

   I guess she likes you.

   I guess I need a new job.

   I guess she doesn't like math.

   I guess you're right.

   I guess he doesn't like physics.


Q 저 언제 복직할 수 있어요?

   When can I go back to work?



*  More expressions


Go back + to (명사) = (명사)로 돌아가다.

Mayu is going back to America.

   America = the U.S. = the US

I am going back to Korea.

Go back to chapter 1.

I want to go back to work.

   go back to work = 복직하다 / 일을 다시 시작하다

When are you going back to work?

I don't want to go back to work.

I want to go back to my hometown.

I want to go back to school.

I want to take a break from work.

   workplace = 직장, working hours = 근무시간

   full-time job = 정규직,  part-time job = 사간제 일


Guess (평서문) / I Guess (평서문) = (평서문) 인가 보내 / 인 것 같네.

I guess you are doing it on valentine's Day.

I guess you are planning to trip in luner holiday.

I guess golbal warming is really becoming serious.

   become = ~가 되다

I guess the situation is really bad.

I guess you are not interested.

I guess we need a full-time babysitter, then.

   babysitter = 아기를 돌보는 사람 = (출퇴근)

   nanny = 보모 / 가정부 = (상주)

   full-time <=> part time

I guess she likes you.

I guess I need a new job.

I guess she doesn't like math.

I guess you're right.

I guess he doesn't like physics.