엄마는 어떻게 지내니?
잘 지내세요. 아주 건강하시고요.
그렇다니 다행이구나.
아주머니 얘기 매번 하세요.
How is your mom doing?
Mom's doing well. She's very healthy.
I'm glad to hear that.
She talks about you all the time.
M How is your mom doing?
= How is your mom?
How am/are/is (주어) doing? = (주어)는 어떻게 지내?
How are you doing? = How are you?
How is your little brother doing?
Z Mom's doing well. She's very healthy.
(주어) am/are/is doing well = (주어)는 잘 지내.
My parents are doing well.
I am doing well.
I think you are doing well.
My family and i are doing well.
healthy = 건강한, health = 건강
M I'm glad to hear that.
Be (형용사) = (형용사) 하다
I am happy to meet you.
I am honored to here.
honored = 영광으로 느끼는 / 영광으로 생각하는
Z She talks about you all the time.
All the time = 매번(횟수 강조)
I used to go there all the time.
used to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하곤 했다.
They visit us here all the time. = 저 여기 단골 이에요.
Q 너희 부모님은 어떻게 지내시니?
How are your parents doing?
* More expressions
Be (형용사) =(형용사) 하다
am / are / is (형용사)
But I'm scared. I'm a beginner driver...
scare = 겁먹은 vs scary = 겁먹게 하는 / 무서운
I am not scared.
The water is deep.
Mr. Gym ! Your order's ready !
ready = (형용사) 준비된
Your drink is ready.
The weather is chilly.
I'm glad to hear that.
I am happy to meet you.
I am honored to here.
honored = 영광으로 느끼는 / 영광으로 생각하는
All the time = 매번 / 항상= 횟수강조 = regular
OMG ! I watch your videos all the time !
omg = oh my god = 세상에
He comes to this caf'e all the time.
She complains all the time.
It happens all the time.
Oh, You are Peter ! Your boss talks about you all the time.
talk = 얘기하다
She talks about her boyfriend all the time.
I come here all the time.
He visits Korea all the time.
She talks about you all the time.
I used to go there all the time.
used to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하곤 했다.
They visit us here all the time. = 저 여기 단골 이에요.
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