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왕초보영어(제2340회) : 직업-가성비 최고의 의자

by 가나다미 2024. 12. 4.

괜찮은 의자 추천해 주실 수 있나요?

편안한 의자를 찾고 계시면, 이걸로 하세요.

가성비 최고랍니다.

겨우 20달러요?  네 개 살게요 !


Can you recommend a good chair?

If you'r looking for a comfy chair, go for this one.

It is the best bang for your buck.

Only $20?  I'll take four !



M Can you recommend a good chair?

   chair = 의자,  desk = 책상

   Can you recommend (명사)? = (명사)를 추천해 줄 수 있나요?

   Can you recommend a good movie?

   Can you recommend a few restaurants?


Z If you're looking for a comfy chair, go for this one.

   comfy = 편안한 = comfortable

   Go for (명사) = (명사)로 선택하다

   I want to go for the small one.

   I will go for this one.

   look for = 찾다(과정)  vs  find = 찾다(결과)



Z It's the best bang for your buck.

   buck = 달러 = dollar

   I need 2 dollars = I need 2 bucks

   The best bang for your buck = 가성비 최고의 것

   This is probably the best bang for your buck.

   If you want the best bang for your buck, get this one.


M Only $20?  I'll take four !

   take = 사다 / 취하다 / 받아들이다

   Only = 겨우

   It is only $5. = It is only 5 dollars = It is only 5 bucks.

   It took only 10 minutes.


Q 귀여운 카페를 추천해 줄 수 있어?

   Can you recommend a cute cafe?



*  More expressions


Recommend = 추천하다

Are you serious?  Let me recommend some romantic spots.

   spot = 자리 / 곳   == place

Let me recommend (명사) = (명사)를 추천할게.

Let me recommend a good repair shop.

Let me recommend a few places.

Let me recommend a good nail shop.

Can you recommend (명사)? = (명사)를 추천해 줄 수 있나요?

Can you recommend a good chair?

   chair = 의자,  desk = 책상

Can you recommend a good movie?

Can you recommend a few restaurants?

Can you recommend a cute cafe?


Only = 겨우

Yup. The car has only 30,000 miles.

   mile = 마일(거리단위)

I only read 2 pages.

She only need her boyfriend.

   30,000 = thirty thousand

Only $20?  I'll take four !

   take = 사다 / 취하다 / 받아들이다

It is only $5. = It is only 5 dollars = It is only 5 bucks.

It took only 10 minutes.