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왕초보영어(제2337회) : 여행-비행기 옆 좌석 탑승객 깨우기

by 가나다미 2024. 11. 29.

깨워서 죄송해요.

화장실을 써야 해서요...

오, 전혀 문제없죠.

어차피 스트레칭이 필요했어요.


I'm sorry to wake you up.

I need to use the bathroom so...

Oh, no problem at all.

I need to stretch anyway.




M I'm sorry to wake you up.

   sorry = 미안한 / 마음이 안 좋은

   wake (목적어) up = (목적어)를 깨우다

   Don't wake him up.

   I wake her up.

      I am sorry + to (동사원형) = (동사원형)해서 죄송해요.

   I am sorry to bother you.

   I am sorry to interrupt.

   I am sorry to hear that.

   I'm sorry to disappoint you.

   interrupt = 끼어들다 / 방해하다


M I need to use the bathroom so...

   Need to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 필요가 있다 / 해야 한다

   = have to

   bathroom = 화장실(집 or 공용)  vs  restroom = 공용 화장실

   lavatory = 비행기  내의 화장실  vs  toilet = 화장실 / 변기

   I need to work out

   You need to take a walk.

   take a walk = go for a walk = 산책을 하다

   Do i need to bring my passport?

   It means we need to pull them out.

   We need to put an end to this argument.

   This needs to stop.



Z Oh, no problem at all.

   = That's no problem at all.

   at all = 조금도 / 조금이라도

   I am not worried at all.

   Did you sleep at all last night?

   Do you love me at all?

   I am not sleep at all.

   I am not hungry at all.

   problem = 문제

   That's not my problem.

   What seems to be the problem? = What's the problem.


Z I need to stretch anyway.

   ~ Anyway = 어차피(문장의 맨 뒤)

   Anyway, ~ = 아무튼 / 그나저나

   I have to eat anyway.

   We are going to there anyway.

   I need to go home anyway.

   stretch = 스트레칭을 하다.

   Remember to stretch before working out.

   I was going to go there anyway.


Q 우린 더 열심히 공부해야 할 필요가 있어.

   We need to study harder.



*  More expressions


Wake (목적어) up = (목적어)를 깨우다

My dog didn't wake me up.

   puppy = 강아지

Wake me up at 5.

I Woke them up in the morning.

wake up > woke up > woken up

Wake him up right now !

I'm sorry to wake you up.

   sorry = 미안한 / 마음이 안 좋은

Don't wake him up.

I wake her up.


I am Sorry + to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하게 되어 마음이 안 좋아 / 미안해 / ( )해서 죄송해요.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I'm sorry to call you again. 

I'm sorry to wake you up.

   sorry = 미안한 / 마음이 안 좋은

   wake (목적어) up = (목적어)를 깨우다

I am sorry to bother you.

I am sorry to interrupt.

I am sorry to hear that.

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

   interrupt = 끼어들다 / 방해하다


Need to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 필요가 있다 / 해야 한다.

have to > need to

I need to wash my car.  It's so dirty.

You need to study English.

We need to focus.

We need to eat more vegetables.

I need to try harder.

You need to visit us again.

Oh, do you need to go to the bathroom?

You need to lose your weight.

You need to have confidence.

Do i need to learn grammar?

I need to get another loan.

   get a loan = 대출을 받다.

I need to get a haircut.

You need to lose weight.

I need to use the bathroom so...

   bathroom = 화장실(집 or 공용)  vs  restroom = 공용 화장실

   lavatory = 비행기  내의 화장실  vs  toilet = 화장실 / 변기

I need to work out

You need to take a walk.

   take a walk = go for a walk = 산책을 하다

Do i need to bring my passport?

It means we need to pull them out.

We need to put an end to this argument.

This needs to stop.

I need to stretch anyway.

We need to study harder.


At all = 조금도 / 조금이라도

I'm not sleepy at all.

   sleepy head = 잠꾸러기

Do you miss me at all?

I am not hungry at all.

Oh, no problem at all.

   = That's no problem at all.

I am not worried at all.

Did you sleep at all last night?

Do you love me at all?

I am not sleep at all.

I am not hungry at all.