가계에서 나가 주셔야겠습니다, 손님.
아니 ! 당신 직원이나 해고하셔야겠어 !
직원에게 무례하게 구셨잖아요.
어떻게 감히 ! 난 여기 손님이라고 !
상관없어요. 당신 같은 손님 필요 없습니다.
당장 당신 직원의 사과를 받아야겠어 !
나가시지 않으면 경찰을 부르겠습니다.
막 나가려는 참이었어요.
You have to leave the store, Sir.
No ! You should fire your guy !
You were being rude to him.
How dare you ! I'm a customer here !
I don't care. I don't need customers like you
I want his apology right now !
Leave or I'll call the police.
I was just about to leave.
M I don't care. I don't need customers like you.
care = 상관하다 / 신경 쓰다
customer = 손님 <=> consumer = 소비자
Like (목적어) = (목적어) 같은
I hate people like you.
I love people like her.
Z I want his apology right now !
apology = 사과, apologize = 사과하다
Right now = 지금 당장
Pay me back right now !
Call me back right now !
M Leave or I'll call the police.
police = 경찰, police officer = 경찰관 vs cop
call the police = call the cop = 경찰을 부르다.
or = ~하지 않으면 / 그렇지 않으면
Walk away or I will punch you.
Leave now or You will be sorry.
Z I was just about to leave.
leave = 떠나가다 / 가다
Be about to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하려는 참이다.
We are about to leave.
Q 조용히 하지 않으면 보안(요원)을 부르겠어.
Be quiet or I will call security.
* More expressions
Like (목적어) = (목적어)처럼 / 같은 / 같이
Like (목적어) = (목적어) 같은
Oh, wow ! Your hands are like hand warmer !
You are like the famous actor.
Jane talks like her mam.
Mayu is like a robot.
Yeah? Well, I don't need a friend like you.
여기서 Yeah = 그래
여기서 Well = 뭐
I have a shirt like that.
I want a girlfriend like you.
I will be a flight attendant ike you someday.
flight attendant = 승무원
steward =남자 승무원 vs stewardess = 여자 승무원
I want merry someone like her.
I want be like you.
I don't care. I don't need customers like you.
care = 상관하다 / 신경 쓰다
customer = 손님 <=> consumer = 소비자
I hate people like you.
I love people like her.
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