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왕초보영어(제2338회) : 가정-기말고사로 힘든 아들

by 가나다미 2024. 12. 2.

오늘 엄청 스트레스 받아 보이네.

기말고사를 대비해 엄청 열심히 공부 중이에요.

널 위해 샌드위치를 만들어 줄게.

사양할게요. 잠들지도 몰라요.


You seem very stressed today.

I am studying so hard for my finals.

Let me make you a sandwich.

No, thank you. I might fall asleep.



M You seem very stressed today.

   stressed = (형) 스트레스를 받은 = stressed out

   Seem (형용사) = (형용사) 해 보이다

   You seem warried.

   She seems a bit nervous.


Z I'm studying so hard for my finals.

   finals = 기말고사 = final exams

   midterms = 중간고사 = midterm exams

   Study + for (명사) = (명사)를 대비해 공부하다

   I'm studying for the math exam.

   Did you study for the quiz?



M Let me make you a sandwich.

   Make (목적어) (명사) = (목적어)를 위해 (명사)를 만들어 주다.

   Let me make you a cheeseburger.

   I will make her some soup.


Z No, thank you. I might fall asleep.

   fall asleep = 잠들다.

   doze off = nod off = 졸다

   Might (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할지도 모른다.  May > Might

   We might go to the movies.

   I might be late tomorrow.


Q 그는 외로워 보여

   He seems lonely.



*  More expressions


Seem (형용사) = (형용사) 해 보이다

You seem very stressed today.

   stressed = (형) 스트레스를 받은 = stressed out

You seem warried.

She seems a bit nervous.

He seems lonely


Seem like (명사) = (명사) 같아 보이다

Yeah. They seem like nice people.

   nice = 착한  vs good = 잘하는

   seem = 분위기  vs  look = 외모

You seem like a cool person.

She seems like a quiet girl.

She seems lonely(형용사).

Might (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할지도 몰라

They might have an express service.

   must > may > might

They might call you in the afternoon.

I might be late tomorrow.

It might take away our jobs !

   job = 직업 / 일자리

   take away = 빼앗아 가다

I might move out soom.

She might call you.

No, thank you. I might fall asleep.

   fall asleep = 잠들다.

   doze off = nod off = 졸다

We might go to the movies.

I might be late tomorrow.