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왕초보영어(제2334회) : 일상-화재가 발생했습니다

by 가나다미 2024. 11. 26.

위층에 불이 났습니다, 여러분 !

오, 이런 !  엘리베이터를 이용해야 할까요?

아뇨, 그건 너무 위험해요. 계단을 이용하세요 !

알겠어요. 모두들, 제 리드를 따르세요 !


There is a fire upstairs, Everybody !

Oh, No !  Should we take the elevator?

No, It's too dangerous. Take the stairs !

Okay, Everyone, Follow my lead !



M There is a fire upstairs, Everybody !

   everybody = 모두 everyone

   fire = 화재

   upstairs = (부) 위층 / 위층에 / 위층으로

   Let's go upstairs.

   There is someone upstairs.

   There is a fire downstairs.


Z Oh, No !  Should we take the elevator?

   take the elevator = 엘리베이터를 이용하다 / 타다

   Let's take the elevator.

   Why didn't you take the elevator?

   get in taxi / elevator = 타다  vs  get on bus = 타다



M No, It's too dangerous. Take the stairs !

   dangerous = 위험한 <=> safe = 안전한, safety = 안전

   take the stairs = 계단을 이용하다.

   Let's just take the stairs.

   I don't want to take the stairs.


Z Okay. Everyone, Follow my lead !

   (동사원형). = (동사원형) 하세요.

   Follow me !

   Wait for him !


Q 당신은 엘리베이터를 이용했나요?

   Did you take the elevator?



*  More expressions


Take (명사) = (명사)를 사다

Take = 사다 / 받아들이다

Nice !  I will take two, then.

I will take this one.

Let me take the blue one.

I will take that one.

Ok. I will take this window seat.

   window seat = 창가자리  <=> aisle seat = 통로자리

I will take the aisle seat.

I will take two.


Take (명사) = (명사)를 이용하다

It's this way. Take that yellow shuttle.

Take taxi.

Did you take bus?


Take (명사) = (명사)를 가져가다 / 데려가다

Should i take my car there?

Take this credit card.

Take me there, please.

   take 가져가다 / 데려가다  <=>  bring = 가져오다 / 데려오다

Take this bag.


Take (명사)  to (장소) = (명사)를 (장소)에 데려주다

It will take you all the way to the zoo.

Take me to the hospital.

Peter took me to the park.


Take (명사) to go = (명사)를 포장해 가다.

I'd like to take these to go.

   these = 이것들,   those = 그것들

I want to take these to go.

I want to take these leftovers to go.

Do you want to take these to go?

Would you like to take these to go?


Take (목적어) out + to dinner = (목적어)를 데리고 나가 저녁식사하다.

I'll take you out to dinner tonight.

My husband took me out to dinner.

I want to take her out to dinner.

Take her out to dinner.


Take (목적어) + to (명사) = (목적어)를 (명사)에 데려가다.

I took her to the Korean Cafe you recommended !

   Recommend = 추천하다,   Cafe = 카페

I took him to the Han River.

Can you take me the beach?

Can you please take us to the hospital?

   can you please = could you

   hospital = 종합 병원  vs  doctor's office = 단과 병원

Take me to the resort.

I took her to the airport.

Take us to the hotel !


Take (시간 / 기간) = (시간 / 기간) 이 걸리다

You need an MRI.  It will takes 30 minutes.

MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) = 자기 공명 영상법

It normally takes three hours.

How long does it take?


Take (기간) off = (기간)을 빼다.

Can i take a day off tomorrow, boss?

I took a month off.

She took a semester off?

Can i take a week off?


Take (숫자) //

I will Take (숫자) = (숫자) 개를 살게요.

I love this shirt. I'll take two.

I'll just take one.

I'll take three.


Take a break = 쉬다. / 휴식을 취하다.

Ok, then.  Take a 3-minute break.

Let's take a 5-minute break.

I couldn't take a break.


Take a nap = 낮잠을 자다

I'm tired all the time, so i just take a nap.

Take a nap for 30 minutes.

 I already took a nap.


Take a photo = 사진을 찍다

Take a selfie = 셀카를 찍다

I have never taken photos in a studio before.

We took a photo with her.

Could you take a photo of us?


Take a staycation = 호캉스를 가다

That's true. Just take a staycation, then.

We decided to take a staycation.

Why don't we just take a staycation?


Take a taxi(bus) = 택시(버스)를 타다 / 택시(버스)를 이용하다

Take a taxi(bus) = 택시를 이용하다  vs get in a taxi = 택시에 타다

Just take a taxi.  Parking is expensive there.

I just took a taxi.

I don't want to take a taxi there.

Just take a taxi. It's not safe.

   safe = 안전한 <=> dangerous = 위험한

I took a taxi to go there.

Why did you take a taxi?


Take away = 빼앗아 가다

It might take away our jobs !

   job = 직업 / 일자리

He took sway my job.

Don't took it away from me.

   might (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할지도 몰라.

I might move out soom.

She might call you.


Take off (명사) = (명사)를 벗다  <=>  put on = ~을 입다

Should I take off my shoes as well?

   as well = too = also

Take off your shirt.

I took off my dirty socks.


Talk on the phone = 통화하다.

Stop talking on the phone !

   talk = 이야기하다.

My sister is still talking on the phone.

She kept talking on the phone. = I am on the phone.

My mother is still talking on the phone.


Take one's time = (여유를 가지고) 천천히 하다.

That's okay.  Take your time.

   okay = 괜찮은

You can take your time.

I took my time.

Can i take my time?

Can I take my time?


Take the elevator = 엘리베이터를 이용하다 / 타다

Oh, No !  Should we take the elevator?

Let's take the elevator.

Why didn't you take the elevator?

   get in taxi / elevator = 타다  vs  get on bus = 타다

Did you take the elevator?


Take the stairs = 계단을 이용하다.

No, It's too dangerous. Take the stairs !

   dangerous = 위험한 <=> safe = 안전한, safety = 안전

Let's just take the stairs.

I don't want to take the stairs.


Take + to (목적어) = (목적어)와 얘기하다.

I talked to them nicely.

   nicely = (부사) 좋게

Talk to my manage.

I talked to her for 10 minutes.

Maybe I should talk to the manager.

Talk to her boss.

Can i talk to your daughter?