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왕초보영어(제2332회) : 여행-다리 좀 펴고 비행해 보자

by 가나다미 2024. 11. 22.

더 넓은 다리 공간이 있는 자리 있나요?

네, 여기 보이는 게 프리미엄 좌석입니다.

추가 50달러에 좌석을 업그레이드해 드릴 수 있어요.

좋아요. 이 창가 자리로 할게요.


Do you have seats with more legroom?

Yes, These are premium seats.

I can upgrade your seat for an extra $50.

Ok. I will take this window seat.



M Do you have seats with more legroom?

   legroom = 다리공간

   room = 공간  vs  a room = 방

   with (명사) = (명사)가 있는 / (명사)를 가진

   I bought a car with a sunroof.

   I bought a car without a sunroof.

   Can I have a room with a single-size bed?


Z Yes, These are premium seats.

   premium = 프리미엄의 / 고급의

   these = 이것들,   those = 그것들 / 저것들

   These are not my shoes.

   These are gold rings.



Z I can upgrade your seat for an extra $50.

   upgrade = 업그레이드하다  <=>  downgrade = 다운그레이드하다

   extra = 추가적인

   for an extra (숫자) = 추가 (숫자)에

   You can get it for an extra $20.

   You will get VIP access for an extra $100.


M Ok. I will take this window seat.

   window seat = 창가자리  <=> aisle seat = 통로자리

   take = 사다 / 받아들이다

   I will take the aisle seat.

   I will take two.


Q 전 퀸 사이즈 침대가 있는 방을 원해요.

   I want a room with queen-size bed.



*  More expressions


With (명사) = (명사)를 가진 / (명사)가 있는 / (명사)로

It's condominium with three bedrooms.

We need a house with two rooms.

She is a girl with courage.

I want someone with a sense of humor.

   a sense of fashion = 패션 감각

   a sense of adventure = 모험심

I want a girl with a sense of fashion.

Kelly is a girl with confidence.

Where can i go with my mileage?

You can go to Vietnam with your mileage.

What did you do with the money?

We have shirts with a teddy bear print.

   stuffed animal = 봉제 동물 인형

   teddy bear = 곰돌이 인형

   print = (날염된) 무늬

I need a room with a queen-size bed.

I am a man with confidence.

Do you have seats with more legroom?

   legroom = 다리공간

   room = 공간  vs  a room = 방

I bought a car with a sunroof.

I bought a car without a sunroof.

Can I have a room with a single-size bed?

I want a room with a queen-size bed.


Take (명사) = (명사)를 사다

Take = 사다 / 받아들이다

Nice !  I will take two, then.

I will take this one.

Let me take the blue one.

I will take that one.

Ok. I will take this window seat.

   window seat = 창가자리  <=> aisle seat = 통로자리

I will take the aisle seat.

I will take two.