가계에서 나가 주셔야겠습니다, 손님.
아니 ! 당신 직원이나 해고하셔야겠어 !
직원에게 무례하게 구셨잖아요.
어떻게 감히 ! 난 여기 손님이라고 !
You have to leave the store, Sir.
No ! You should fire your guy !
You were being rude to him.
How dare you ! I'm a customer here !
M You have to leave the store, Sir.
store = 가게 / 상점
have to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야만 한다
I have to leave soon.
She has to stay here.
Z No ! You should fire your guy !
fire = 해고하다 <=> hire = 고용하다
lay off = 정리 / 일시 정리하다
should (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야겠다 / 하는 게 좋겠다
You should get some rest !
I should call my wife !
M You were being rude to him.
rude = 무례한 <=> kind = 친절한
be being (형용사) = (형용사)하게 행동하다.
You are being rude !
She was being mean !
Z How dare you ! I am a customer here !
how dare you ! = 어떻게 감히 !
How dare you ! Get out !
How dare you ! I am your boss !
How dare you lie to me?
Q 나 지금 출근해야 돼.
I have to go to work now.
* More expressions
Have to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야만 한다.
Will Have to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야 할 것이다.
Ok. I guess I'll have to wait.
You will have to coll their office.
She will have to come back later.
i guess (평서문) = (평서문) 인가 보네.
We will have to do it again.
Oh, No. I have to use a car today.
use = 사용하다 vs use = 사용
I have to borrow some tools.
Do you have to go to work?
We have to stop by his office.
I can't. I have to finish this report.
report = 보고서
I can't (go home)
I have to sell my car.
She has to finish it now.
You have to go to Gate 5.
We have to leave now !
You have to go to Terminal 1 !
must > have to > should
You have to leave the store, Sir.
store = 가게 / 상점
I have to leave soon.
She has to stay here.
I have to go to work now.
Should (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야겠다 / ( )하는 게 좋겠다 / ( ) 할 거야 / 아마 ( ) 할 것이다
Thanks ! I think I should run.
run > ran > run
I should go.
We should be careful.
Yeah. That should do it.
that should do it = that will do it = that will do.
do = 충분한
He should know the answer.
It should work.
It should be easy.
She should have some cash.
Check out aisle #3. They should be there.
aisle[ail] = 통로
check out = 살펴보다
The money should be safe.
He should know the answer.
We should move to a bigger apartment.
We should meet up more often.
You should lie down.
We should get some rest.
Thanks. I should practice harder.
hard = 열심히 / 세게
We should work harder.
I should check it again.
Should i try again?
I know. I should slow down.
slow down = 속도를 줄이다 <=> speed up = 속도를 내다
I should go home.
You should be careful.
No ! You should fire your guy !
fire = 해고하다 <=> hire = 고용하다
lay off = 정리 / 일시 정리하다
You should get some rest !
I should call my wife !
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