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왕초보영어(제2330회) : 직업-한번 입어 보기라도 하지

by 가나다미 2024. 11. 20.

이 블라우스 사이즈 2로 있나요?

검정색만 남았어요.

사이즈 4 입어 보고 싶어세요?

저한테 너무 클 거예요.


Do you have a size 2 for this blouse?

We only have black ones left.

Do you want to try a size 4?

That'll be too big for me.

M Do you have a size 2 fot this blouse?
   = Do you have this blouse in a size 2?
   Do you have a size (숫자) + for (명사)? = (명사)가 사이즈 (숫자)로 있나요?
   D o you have a size 4 for this blouse?
   Do you have a size 6 for this dress?

Z We only have black ones left.
   one = 한 개 / 것(대명사)
   We only have (명사) left = (명사)만 남아 있어요.
   We only have yellow ones left.
   We only have small ones left.

Z Do you want to try a size 4?
   try = 시도하다 -> 입어보다 / 먹어보다
   Do you want to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하고 싶으신가요?
   Do you want (명사) = (명사)를 원하세요.
   Do you want to try another size?
   Do you want to try a size 8?

M That'll be too big for me.
   That'll = That will
   Will be (형용사) = (형용사) 할 것이다
   That will be too small fot me.
   The test will be pretty easy.

Q 그건 저한테 너무 헐렁할 거예요.
   That will be too loose for me.

*  More expressions


Do you Want to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 래? / 하고 싶니? / 하고 싶으신가요?

Do you want to explore the city together?

   explore = 구경하며 돌아다니다 / 탐험하다

Do you want to go to the city?

Do you want to stay with us?

Do you want to eat the dinner here?

Do you want to try a size 4?
   try = 시도하다 -> 입어보다 / 먹어보다
Do you want (명사) = (명사)를 원하세요.
Do you want to try another size?
Do you want to try a size 8?


Will be (형용사) = (형용사) 할 것이다.

I'll be busy this weekend though.

They will be happy.

She will be busy tomorrow.

   though = 하지만 / 그런데

I love her though. = But I love her.

She will be angry.

That'll be too big for me.
   That'll = That will
That will be too small fot me.
The test will be pretty easy.

That will be too loose for me.