오, 맙소사 ! 나 죽겠어요 !
무슨 일이야, 여보? 괜찮아?
탁자에 발가락을 찧었어 !
아이고. 세상 최고의 고통이지.
Oh, Help me, God ! I'm dying !
What's wrong, Honey? Are you okay?
I just stubbed my toe on the table !
Ooh. That's the greatest pain in the world.
M Oh, Help me, God ! I'm dying !
die = 죽다, dying
be (~ing) = (~ing) 하고 있다.
The ship is sinking.
The bird is chirping.
Z What is wrong? Are you okay?
wrong = 잘못된 / 틀린 / 문제인
What is (형용사) = 뭐가 (형용사) 해?
What is good here?
What is famous in Seoul?
M I just stubbed my toe on the table !
toe = 발가락, toe nail = 발톱, (finger) nail = 손톱
stub one's toe + on (명사) = (명사)에 발가락을 찧다.
I stubbed my toe on the chair !
She stubbed her toe on the table !
Z Ooh. That's the greatest pain in the world.
pain = 고통, painful = 고통스러운
great = 아주 좋은 / 대단한
in the world = 세상에서
I'm the luckiest boyfriend in the world.
This is the longest bridge in the world.
in the universe = 우주에서
Q 여기 뭐가 인기 있어요?
What is popular here?
* More expressions
Be (~ing) = (~ing) 하고 있다 / 현시점에 한참 ~ 하고 있을 때.
Be (~ing) = (~ing) 하고 있다 <=> Be not (~ing) = (~ing) 하고 있지 않다
Honey, The heater is working again. <=> Honey, The heater is not working again.
Honey, The elevator is working. <=> Honey, The elevator is not working.
The lights are working. <=> The lights are not working. = The lights are not coming on.
I am looking for a decent ring.
I am waiting for Jason.
She is taking a shower.
Yeah. I think she is seeing someone.
I am seeing someone = 만나는 사람이 있어
Are you seeing anyone?
The baby is sleeping.
We are eating korean BBQ.
Excuse me. I'm looking for diapers.
diaper[daiper] = 기저귀
I am delivering food.
Are you crying right now?
I am washing the dishes.
I'm begging you, man ! I'm dying !
beg = 빌다
I'm riding a bicycle.
She is fixing her computer.
It's pretty obvious. You're watching WCB English.
look = 일반적으로 보다 vs watch = 일정기간 꾸준히 보다
see = 보이는 것 vs look = 의도적으로 보는 것
I'm watching Mayu's videos.
Katherine is playing baseball.
obvious = 뻔한 / 티가 나는
Is someone using the toilet?
toilet = 변기 / 화장실 = lavatory = bathroom
Are you using this computer?
Is she taking the test.
Thank you. I'm just doing my job.
job = 일자리 / 일 / 임무
I am playing basketball.
We are just relaxing.
Oh, Help me, God ! I'm dying !
die = 죽다, dying
The ship is sinking.
The bird is chirping.
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