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왕초보영어(제2326회) : 관계-좋은 일로 전근 가는 동료

by 가나다미 2024. 11. 14.

나 부산 지점으로 전근가.

뭐?  무슨 일인데?

거기 새로운 관리자가 필요하대.

이런... 연락하고 지내자고, 친구.


I'm moving to the Busan branch.

What?  What happened?

They need a new manager there.

Man... Let's keep in touch, dude.



M I'm moving to the Busan branch.

   move to (명사) = (명사)로 옮기다

   I am moving to the Jeju branch.

   When did you move to America?


Z What?  What happened?

   happen = 벌어지다 / 일어나다

   what (동사) = 뭐가 (동사) 해?

   What killed the monster?

   What happened there?

   What is happening?

   What saved you? = 무엇이~  vs  What did you save? = 무엇을 ~



M They need a new manager there.

   there = 거기에 / 거기에서 / 거기로

   just go there.

   I met him there.


Z Man... Let's keep in touch, dude.

   dude = buddy = 친구

   keep in touch = 연락하고 지내다

   We still keep in touch.

   We should keep in touch.


Q 우리 거기에 살아

   We live there



*  More expressions


What (동사)? = 뭐가 (동사) 하니?

What (동사) = 뭐가 (동사) 해?

Oh, No. You're bleeding. What happened?

   bleed = (동사) 피를 흘리다  vs  blood = (명사) 피

What will happen?

What caused it?

What happened to you?

What?  What happened?

   happen = 벌어지다 / 일어나다

What killed the monster?

What happened there?

What is happening?

What saved you? = 무엇이~  vs  What did you save? = 무엇을 ~


There = 거기 / 거기에 / 거기로

Get in !  I'll take you there.

   get in = (택시나 자동차에) 타다 <=> get out = (택시나 자동차에) 내리다

Let's go there.

My office is far from there.

They need a new manager there.

Just go there.

I met him there.

We live there


Keep it down = 소음을 줄이다 / 조용히 하다 = quiet down

They promised to keep it down.

   promise = 약속하다

Could you keep it down?

We had to keep it down.


Keep in touch = 연락하고 지내다

Man... Let's keep in touch, dude.

   dude = buddy = 친구

We still keep in touch.

We should keep in touch.


Keep (~ing) = 계속 (~ing) 하다.

Don't be so weak ! Keep running !

   weak = 약한  <=>  strong = 강한

Keep moving your arms.

She kept ignoring us.

   ignore = 모른 체하다