귀마개 주실 수 있나요?
제 옆에 있는 남자를 못 견디겠어요 !
코 엄청 고시나 보군요?
금방 가져다 드릴게요.
Can I get earplugs?
I can't stand the guy next to me !
He must be a heavy snorer, huh?
I'll bring them to you soon.
M Can I get earplugs?
earplug(s) = 귀마개
Can I get (명사) = (명사) 주실 수 있나요
= Can you give me ~ = Can you get me ~
Can I get a pillow?
Can I get a blanket?
M I can't stand the guy next to me !
guy = 남자 = man, stand = 견디다 / 참다
Next to (목적어) = (목적어)의 옆에 / 옆에 있는
My desk is next to the door.
Do you see that girl next to James?
Z He must be a heavy snorer, huh?
heavy snorer = 코를 심하게 고는 사람
Must be (명사/형용사) = 분명 (명사/형용사) 일 거야 / ( ) 인가 보네 <-강력한 확신
You must be Mayu's sister.
She must be a flight attendant.
You must be tired.
Z I'll bring them to you soom.
soon = 곧 / 금방
Bring (명사) + to (목적어) = (명사)를 (목적어)에게 가져다주다
Bring it to me.
Can you bring the document to me?
Q Daisy 옆에 있는 저 남자 보여?
Can you see the guy next to Daisy?
* More expressions
Next to (명사) = (명사)의 옆에 = beside
Next to (목적어) = (목적어)의 옆에 / 옆에 있는
Oh, Yes ! Come on, Kid ! Stand next to Peter Man.
Stand next to the statue.
I was standing next to the door.
come on ! = 어서 ! / 왜 이래 !
You'll see an alley next to Mayu pharmacy.
alley = 골목
pharmacy = 약국 = drugstore
pharmacist = 약사
My office is next to the caf'e.
I'm standing next to the door.
I can't stand the guy next to me !
guy = 남자 = man, stand = 견디다 / 참다
My desk is next to the door.
Do you see that girl next to James?
Do you see the guy next to Daisy?
Must be (형용사) = 분명 (형용사) 할 것이다 / (형용사) 한가보구나
Must be (명사/형용사) = 분명 (명사/형용사) 일 거야 / ( ) 인가 보네 <-강력한 확신
It must be really fun, huh?
This movie must be really fun, huh?
You must be disappoint
She must speak good English well.
She must be tired !
It is a new car, right? He must be upset.
She must be rich.
You must be angry.
He must be a heavy snorer, huh?
heavy snorer = 코를 심하게 고는 사람
You must be Mayu's sister.
She must be a flight attendant.
You must be tired.
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