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왕초보영어(제2356회) : 관계-보너스는 아니지만 연말 선물

by 가나다미 2024. 12. 26.

노고에 고맙네, Peter.

자네와 아내분을 위한 작은 선물이 있네.

마유 마술쇼 티켓이네요 !

오, 아내가 엄청 신날 거예요 !


Thank you for your hard work, Peter.

I have a small gift for you and your wife.

These are the tickets to the Mayu Magic Show !

Oh, She will be thrilled !



M Thank you for your hard work, Peter.

   hard work = 노고 / 열심히 해준 것

   hard work(=보수를 받고 열심히 하는 것) vs trouble(=보수 없이 고생하는 것)

   Thank you + for (명사) = (명사)에 고마워

   Thank you for everything.

   Thank you for coming.


M I have a small gift for you and your wife.

   gift = 선물

   small > tiny

   For (목적어) = (목적어)를 위한

   I have flowers for her.

   This is for your son.



Z These are the tickets to the Mayu Magic Show !

   magic = 마술(상징직) vs magic trick = 마술 하나

   Tickets + to (명사) = (명사)를 볼 수 있는 티켓

   I have free tickets to the show.

   She bought some tickets to the concert.


Z Oh, Shi will be thrilled !
   thrilled = 신난 / 흥분한 > excited

   Will be (형용사) = (형용사) 할 것이다

   My son will be so happy.

   You will be surprised.


Q 너의 사랑에 고마워.

   Thank you for your love.



*  More expressions


Thank you + for (~ing) = (~ing) 해 주셔서 고마워요.

Thank you + for (명사) = (명사)에 고마워

Oh, No !  Thank you for your reminding me !

Thank you for teaching me.

Thank you for inviting us.

Thank you for studying with me.

Thank you for your hard work, Peter.

   hard work = 노고 / 열심히 해준 것

   hard work(=보수를 받고 열심히 하는 것) vs trouble(=보수 없이 고생하는 것)

Thank you for everything.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you for your love.


For (목적어) = (목적어)를 위해

I made a special sandwich for you.

   make vs cook(열을 가해서 하는 요리)

Let me hold the door for you.

I made this cake for you.

I have a small gift for you and your wife.

   gift = 선물

   small > tiny

I have flowers for her.

This is for your son.


Will be (형용사) = (형용사) 할 것이다.

I'll be busy this weekend though.

They will be happy.

She will be busy tomorrow.

   though = 하지만 / 그런데

I love her though. = But I love her.

She will be angry.

That'll be too big for me.
   That'll = That will
That will be too small fot me.
The test will be pretty easy.

That will be too loose for me.

Yeah, But Mayu will be very lonely.

   lonely = (형)외로운 ,  alone = 혼자인

They will be shocked.

Steve will be sad.

Oh, Shi will be thrilled !
   thrilled = 신난 / 흥분한 > excited

My son will be so happy.

You will be surprised.