멕시코 방문하려면 여권이 필요한가요?
네, 국경을 넘기 위해 필요합니다.
보안이 철저하거든요.
여쭤봐서 참 다행이네요.
Do i need my passport to visit Mexico?
Yes, You need it to cross the border.
There is tight security.
Thank goodness i asked.
M Do i need my passport to visit Mexico?
passport = 여권, boarding pass = 탑승권
to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하기 위해 / (동사원형) 하려면
I learned English to make friends.
You need shoes to run.
Z Yes, You need it to cross the border.
border = 국경
cross (명사) = (명사)를 건너다 / (명사)를 넘다 = go across
We are crossing the street.
They crossed the border.
Z There is tight security.
tight = 꽉 조이는 -> 엄격한 / 철저한
There is/are (명사) = (명사)가 있어
There is an issue.
There are new rules.
M Thank goodness i asked.
ask = 물어보다 / 부탁하다.
thank goodness + (평서문) = (평서문)이라 참 다행이야.
Thank goodness they are safe.
Thank goodness we are not late.
Q 네가 여기 있어서 참 다행이다.
Thank goodness you are here.
* More expressions
To (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하기 위해 / (동사원형) 하려면 / (동사원형) 하러
To go = 갈/갈만한
But I have no place to go.
There is no place to go.
Is there a good place to go.
Could you recommend a good place to go ?
I am taking my girlfriend to see a musical.
I went to a mall to buy necklace.
I am studying English to be a better person.
Do i need my passport to visit Mexico?
passport = 여권, boarding pass = 탑승권
I learned English to make friends.
You need shoes to run.
There is/are (명사/복수명사) = (명사/복수명사)가 있어 / 들이 있어
To Wayne. There's an elevator in the building.
There is a man in the room.
There are girls in the classroom.
Is there an elevator in the building?
There are people in the building.
Sure. There are so many shops around the beach.
There are so many people at the beach.
There are drinks on the table.
There is tight security.
tight = 꽉 조이는 -> 엄격한 / 철저한
There is an issue.
There are new rules.
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