아들이 언제 군 입대했지?
6개월 됐지.
진짜 보고 싶겠네.
그렇지. 안전하게 돌아오면 좋겠어.
When did your son join the army?
It has been 6 months.
You must really miss him.
I do. I hope he comes back safely.
M When did your son join the army?
army = 군대 / 육군
join the army = 군 입대하다.
My nephew just joined the army.
Andy joined the army 6 months ago.
when > what time
Z It has been 6 months.
= 6 months have passed.
month = 개월 / 월
it's(it has) been (기간) = (기간)이 됐다. / (기간)이 지났다.
It has been 3 hours.
It has been a long time.
M You must really miss him.
miss = 그리워하다 / 보고 싶어 하다.
must (동사원형) = 분명히 (동사원형) 할 것이다.
You must really love him.
She must be bored.
Z I do. I hop he comes back safely.
safely = (부사) 안전하게 / 무사히 = safe and sound
i hope + (평서문) = (평서문) 이면 좋겠어 / (평서문) 이길 바래.
I hope you come back soon.
I hope everything is okay.
Q 그들이 내게 전화하면 좋겠어
I hope they call me
* More expressions
Join the army = 군 입대하다.
<=> get discharged from the army = 제대하다.
Chulki is joining the army soon.
He joined the army last year.
I am joining the army next month.
When did your son join the army?
army = 군대 / 육군
My nephew just joined the army.
Andy joined the army 6 months ago.
when > what time
Must (동사원형) = 분명히 (동사원형) 일 것이다. / (동사원형) 하나 보군 / (동사원형) 할 것이다.
You must be from Korea. "Annyunghaseyo?"
from (지역) = (지역)에서 온 / 출신 인
You must be from New York.
She must have a lot of money.
You must really miss him.
miss = 그리워하다 / 보고 싶어 하다.
You must really love him.
She must be bored.
Hope (평서문:현재형) = (평서문) 이길 바라 / 이면 좋겠어
I Hope + (평서문) = (평서문) 이면 좋겠어 / (평서문) 이길 바래.
Oh, I hope it is not too serious.
I hope she is not sick.
I hope Perry remembers me.
I hope Eddie is Okay.
I hope you get better soon.
I hope you come back soon.
I hope you are happy.
I hope that one's not full.
I hope it is not expensive.
I hope she is here.
I hope we can get a refund.
get a refund = 환불을 받다. get a full refune = 전액 환불받다.
give someone a refund = 환불을 해주다.
I hope you pass the test.
I hope it doesn't rain.
I do. I hop he comes back safely.
safely = (부사) 안전하게 / 무사히 = safe and sound
I hope you come back soon.
I hope everything is okay.
I hope they call me.
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