오늘 네가 점심 살 차례야.
그렇지만 지난번에 내가 냈잖아...
네 생일이라서 내가 너한테 점심 사 줬잖아. 기억나?
아, 그렇지. 맞네. 내 실수.
It's your turn to buy lunch today.
But I paid last time....
I bought you lunch because It was your birthday. Remember?
Oh, yeah. That's true. My bad.
M It's your turn to buy lunch today.
it's your turn + to (동사원형) = 네가 (동사원형) 할 차례야.
It's your turn to wash the dishes.
It's your turn to pick him up.
It's my turn to buy lunch
Is it my turn to buy lunch?
Z But I paid last time...
pay = 지불하다 / 내다 > paid > paid
last time = (부) 지난번에(관사 불필요)
I picked up the bill last time.
I drove last time.
Z I bought you lunch because It was your birthday. Remember?
because (평서문) = (평서문)이라서 / 이니까 / 이기 때문에
I was sad because you were not there.
I'm happy because today is Friday.
I bought you lunch = I bought lunch for you.
M Oh, yeah. That's true. My bad.
my bad = 내 실수 = my mistake
My bad. I didn't see you.
You are right. My bad.
Q 마유가 내 선생님이라서 기뻐
I'm happy because Mayu is my teacher.
I'm glad because Mayu is my teacher.
* More expressions
Turn //
Turn on = 켜다 / 켜지다.
My screen is not turning on.
turn off = 끄다 / 꺼지다.
It finally turned on.
The computer is not turning on.
Did it turn on?
It's your Turn + to (동사원형) = 네가 (동사원형) 할 차례야.
It's your turn to buy lunch today.
It's your turn to wash the dishes.
It's your turn to pick him up.
It's my turn to buy lunch
Is it my turn to buy lunch?
Last //
The Last (명사) = 마지막 (명사)
Unfortunately. That's the last one.
That's the last item.
Who is the last person?
I'm sorry. That's the last one we have.
one = 것
the last one = 마지막 것, this one, the blue one
This is the last one.
This is the last chapter.
Last time = (부) 지난번에(관사 불필요)
But I paid last time...
pay = 지불하다 / 내다 > paid > paid
I picked up the bill last time.
I drove last time.
Because (평서문) = (평서문) 이니까 / 라서 / 해서 / 이기 때문에
You do...Because it's your sister Miyu.
I love you because you are my wife.
I failed because i was lazy.
It's because you are smart.
It's because we love you.
I lied because i was scared.
It won't be easy because we have a baby now.
easy = 쉬운 <=> difficult = 어려운
won't = will not
I am tired because I didn't sleep.
We left because They were being rude.
I bought you lunch because It was your birthday. Remember?
I was sad because you were not there.
I'm happy because today is Friday.
I bought you lunch = I bought lunch for you.
I'm happy because Mayu is my teacher.
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