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왕초보영어(제2284회) : 일상-제발 좀 열심히 공부하자

by 가나다미 2024. 9. 17.

휴, 물리시험 또 망쳤네.

또? 더 열심히 공부했어야지.

넌 항상 게으름 피우잖아, 야.

알아. 내가 너무 게을렀어.


Gosh, I bombed the physics test again.

Again? You should have studied harder.

You always slack off, man.

I know. I was too lazy.



M Gosh, I bombed the physics test again.

   physics = 물리학, biology = 생물학, geography = 지리학

   bomb (명사) = (명사)를 망치다 <=> ace = nail = 아주 잘하다.

   I bombed the geography test.

   I bombed the audition.

   <=> I aced the English test.


Z Again? You should have studied harder.

   should have (p.p) = (p.p) 했어야 했다(=하지 않았다)

   I should have learned English.

   You should have come !



Z You always slack off, man.

   slack off = 게으름 피우다

   Don't slack off, guys.

   Stop slacking off?


M I know. I was too lazy.

   too (형용사) = 너무 (형용사)한

   It was too dark.

   I was too greedy.


Q 나 그 수학 시험 또 망쳤어

   I bombed the mathematics test again.



*  More expressions


Too (형용사) = 너무 (형용사)한

It's too late. I have a new boyfriend.

I'm too thirsty.

It's too early.

I know. I was too lazy.

It was too dark.

I was too greedy.


Should (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야겠다 / 하는 게 좋겠다

Should (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 거야

Should (동사원형) = 아마 (동사원형) 할 것이다

Thanks !  I think I should run.

   run > ran > run

I should go.

We should be careful.

Yeah. That should do it.

   that should do it = that will do it = that will do.

   do = 충분한

He should know the answer.

It should work.

It should be easy.

She should have some cash.

Check out aisle #3. They should be there.

   aisle[ail] = 통로

   check out = 살펴보다

The money should be safe.

He should know the answer.

We should move to a bigger apartment.

We should meet up more often.

You should lie down.

We should get some rest.

Thanks. I should practice harder.

   hard = 열심히 / 세게

We should work harder.

I should check it again.

Should i try again?


Should We/I (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야 하나 < have to

Really? Should we go and say hi?

   say hi = say hello = 인사하다

Should i change the color?

Should we help them?

   Are you serious? > Really?

Should we just go home?


Should have (p.p) = (p.p) 했어야 했다(=하지 않았다)

Again? You should have studied harder.

I should have learned English.

You should have come !