학교 첫날 어땠니?
끔찍했어요. 쪽지 시험 있었어요.
말도 안 돼 ! 첫날에?
뭐, 적어도 시험에 A는 받았어요.
How was your first day at school?
It was terrible. We had a pop quiz.
No way ! On the first day?
Well, At least I got an A on it.
M How was your first day at school?
first day = 첫날
How was (명사)? = (명사)는 어땠니?
How was your food?
How was your first day at work?
Z It was terrible. We had a pop quiz.
terrible = 끔찍한 / 형편없는
Have a pop quiz = 쪽지 시험이 있다
They had a pop quiz.
Did you have a pop quiz?
exam > test > quiz
M No way ! On the first day?
No way ! = 말도 안돼 ! / 절대 싫어 ! <=> yes way ! = 맞다니까 !
On (날짜 / 날 / 요일) = (날짜 / 날 / 요일)에
We moved out on wednesday.
I quit on the first day.
Z Well, At least I got an A on it.
At least = 적어도
An A = A 점
a B / a C / a D / an F
Q 그들은 월요일에 떠났어.
They left on Monday.
* More expressions
How was (명사)? = (명사)는 어땠어?
Hey, son. How was your soccer practice?
How was your date?
How was the job interview?
How was school today?
How was blind date?
How was the party?
Oh, You did? How was it?
did = saw it
How was the contest?
How was your interview?
How was your first day at school?
first day = 첫날
How was your food?
How was your first day at work?
On (날짜 / 날 / 요일) = (날짜 / 날 / 요일)에 [날짜가 있는 경우]
vs in (년도) = (년도)에 [년도만 있는 경우]
It began on June 25th, 1950.
begin = 시작되다 > began > begun <=> end = 끝나다
The sale began on December 12th, 2024.
He was born on October 6th.
She was born on March 10th.
No way ! On the first day?
No way ! = 말도 안돼 ! / 절대 싫어 ! <=> yes way ! = 맞다니까 !
We moved out on wednesday.
I quit on the first day.
They left on Monday.
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