호텔 근처에 괜찮은 식당 좀 아세요?
길 건너에 진짜 괜찮은 이태리 식당 있어요.
식당 이름이 뭔데요?
Mayu Italia라고 하는데, 음식도 저렴해요.
Do you know any good restaurants near the Hotel?
There is a great Italian restaurant across the street.
What is the place called?
It's called Mayu Italia, and there food is affordable.
M Do you know any good restaurants near the Hotel?
restaurant = 식당
Near (명사) = (명사) 근처에
near = around
Do you know any museums near the Hotel?
There is a Wubway station near the building.
Z There is a great Italian restaurant across the screet.
Italian = 이탈리아의 / 이탈리아인인
Across the street = 길 건너에, Across the river = 강 건너에
There's a gas station across the street.
I live across the street.
M What is the place called?
place = 장소 / 곳
What is (명사) called? = (명사)를 뭐라고 불러요? / (명사)는 이름이 뭐예요?
What is it called?
What is the restaurant called?
Z It's called Mayu Italia, and their food is affordable.
affordable = 저렴하다 / 가격이 싸다(=고급표현)
vs cheap(=저급표현 / 싸구려 느낌) <=> expensive = 비싼
A is called B = A는 B라고 불러 / A는 B라고 해.
Q 이 건물은 뭐라고 불러?
What is this building called?
* More expressions
Across the street = 길 건너에
Across the river = 강 건너에
There's one across the street.
street = 길 / 거리
There is a bar across the street.
There is a convenience store across the street.
There is a great Italian restaurant across the screet.
Italian = 이탈리아의 / 이탈리아인인
There's a gas station across the street.
I live across the street.
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