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왕초보영어(제2401회) : 관계-친구의 졸업식을 놓쳐 버렸다

by 가나다미 2025. 2. 28.

졸업식 놓쳐 미안해, 친구.

괜찮아. 바쁜 거 알고 있었어.

만회하고 싶은데.

진짜로 별일 아니야.


I'm sorry I missed your graduation, dude.

It's okay, I knew you were busy.

I want to make it up to you.

Seriously, It's no big deal.



M I'm sorry I missed your graduation, dude.

   graduation = 졸업 / 졸업식

   sorry = 마음이 안 좋은 / 미안한

   I am sorry + (평서문) = (평서문)이라 미안해.

   I am sorry I wasn't there.

   I am sorry I pushed you.

   dude = 친구 = buddy = mate = pal


Z It's okay I knew you were busy.

   busy = 바쁜

   I knew + (평서문) = (평서문)인 거 알고 있었어

   I knew She was mad.

   I knew It was a lie.



M I want to make it up to you.

   Make it up + to (목적어) = (목적어)에게 만회하다

   Let me make it up to you.

   We want to make it up to you.


Z Seriously, It's no big deal.

   seriously = 진짜로 / 진지하게

   It's no big deal = 별일 아니야

   Don't worry It's no big deal.

   It's no big deal = It's not a big deal.


Q 내가 너에게 만회할 수 있을까?

   Can i make it up to you?



*  More expressions


Sorry = 미안한 / 마음이 안 좋은

I am Sorry + to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하게 되어 마음이 안 좋아

   / (동사원형) 하게 되어 미안해 / (동사원형) 해서 죄송해요.

I am sorry + (평서문) = (평서문)이라 미안해.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I'm sorry to call you again. 

I'm sorry to wake you up.

   sorry = 미안한 / 마음이 안 좋은

   wake (목적어) up = (목적어)를 깨우다

I am sorry to bother you.

I am sorry to interrupt.

I am sorry to hear that.

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

   interrupt = 끼어들다 / 방해하다

I'm sorry I missed your graduation, dude.

   graduation = 졸업 / 졸업식

   sorry = 마음이 안 좋은 / 미안한

I am sorry I wasn't there.

I am sorry I pushed you.

   dude = 친구 = buddy = mate = pal

We're sorry. The parking lot is full.

   partkin lot = 주차장 vs parking spot = 주차 자리

   full = 꽉 찬 <=> empty = 텅 빈

We are terribly sorry.