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왕초보영어(제2399회) : 일상-할머니 오시는데 방 안 치울거야

by 가나다미 2025. 2. 25.

방 치웠어?

아직요. 이 게임부터 끝내야 돼요.

게임 꺼. 30분 있다가 할머니 오셔.

제방 그렇게 너저분하진 않아요, 엄마...


Did you tidy up your room?

Not yet. I need to finish this game first.

Turn it off. Grandma's coming in 30 minutes.

My room is not that messy, Mom....



M Did you tidy up your room?

   room = 방

   Tidy up (명사) = (명사)를 치우다

   clean up > tidy up(= 정리하다)

   Tidy up your room.

   We tidied up the house.


Z Not yet. I need to finish this game first.

   finish = 마치다 / 끝내다

   First = 먼저 / ~부터

   Wash your hands first.

   Eat the apple first.



M Turn it off. Grandma's coming in 30 minutes.

   Grandma  vs  Grandpa

   Turn off (명사) = Turn (대명사) off  = (명사)를 끄다

   Turn off the engine.

   I turned it off.

   In (시간 / 기간) = (시간 / 기간) 있다가

   in 10 minutes, in 2 hours, in 5 years


Z My room is not that messy, Mom...

   messy = 엉망인(물건 등..)

   Not that (형용사) = 그렇게 (형용사) 하진 않은

   It's not that hot.

   The car is not that expensive.


Q 거실을 치워

   Tidy up the living room..



*  More expressions


Turn on = 켜다 / 켜지다.

My screen is not turning on.

   turn off = 끄다 / 꺼지다.

It finally turned on.

The computer is not turning on.

Did it turn on?


Turn off (명사) = Turn (대명사) off  = (명사)를 끄다

Turn it off. Grandma's coming in 30 minutes.

Grandma  vs  Grandpa

Turn off the engine.

I turned it off.


That (형용사) = 그렇게 (형용사) 한

Oh, Do i look that young?

Am i that short?

Do i look that tired?

Really? But you're not that tall.

   tall = 키가 큰  <=>  short = 키가 작은

You are not that funny.

Am I that pretty?

Oh, It's not that far !

   far = 먼  <=>  close = 가까운

It's not that expensive.

Is she that mean?

It is not that hot today.


Not That (형용사) = 그렇게 (형용사) 하진 않은

My room is not that messy, Mom...

   messy = 엉망인(물건 등..)

It's not that hot.

The car is not that expensive.