왕초보영어(제2322회) : 여행-나 홀로 여행도 괜찮지
난 전에 절대 혼자 여행해 본 적이 없어.
혼자 가는 여행도 멋지지.
원하는 (곳) 어디든 갈 수 있잖아.
그건 맞네. 여자 친구랑은 그렇게 못하거든.
I've never traveled alone before.
Solo trips are cool, too.
You can go anywhere you want.
That's true. I can't do that with my girlfriend.
M I've never traveled alone before.
alone = 혼자서 <=> with someone = 누군가와
travel = 이동하다 / 여행하다
have never (p.p) = 절대[한 번도] (p.p)해 본 적 없다.
I've never been to Europe.
Kyle has never traveled alone.
Have you seen my new car?
Z Solo trips are cool, too.
trip = 여행, solo = 혼자
too = 또한 / ~도
These sneakers are comfortable, too.
Your life style is cool, too.
Z You can go anywhere you want.
(명사) you want = 원하는 (명사)
Choose any color you want.
You can eat anything you want.
M That's true. I can't do that with my girlfriend.
with (목적어) = (목적어)와 <=> without (목적어) = (목적어) 없이
I can't do that with my husband.
I never go shopping with my wife.
Q 원하는 아무 방이나 골라.
Choose any room you want.
* More expressions
Have naver (p.p) = (p.p) 해 본 적이 절대 없다.
Have never (p.p) = 절대[한 번도] (p.p)해 본 적 없다.
Yeah, I have haver done this before.
I have naver missed my class.
She has naver called me.
=> Have you ever done this before?
I have never danced before.
I've never traveled alone before.
alone = 혼자서 <=> with someone = 누군가와
travel = 이동하다 / 여행하다
I've never been to Europe.
Kyle has never traveled alone.
Have you seen my new car?
Too = 또한/~도
No, I am sorry I raised my voice, too
I am sorry, too
It's my fault, too
Of couse ! I want some ice cream on them, too !
I want some syrup, too.
I can speak English, too.
Do you have non-alcoholic beers, too?
beer = 맥주, non-alcoholic = 무알콜인
I need new sneakers, too.
Do you have plastic bags, too.
I'm sorry, too. I misunderstood you.
misunderstand > misunderstood > misunderstood
I love you, too.
I work at EBS, too.
Does your mom give you allowance, too?
Do you live in Paris, too?
Does Jun speak Korean, too?
Maybe we can sing together, too.
I can make time, too.
We bought a house, too.
Solo trips are cool, too.
trip = 여행, solo = 혼자
hese sneakers are comfortable, too.
Your life style is cool, too.
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