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왕초보영어(제2321회) : 관계-약속에 늦는 것도 한두 번이지

by 가나다미 2024. 11. 7.

Peter, 미안.  나 늦어지고 있어.

와, 놀라워라 !  넌 항상 늦잖아 !

이번엔 무슨 변명을 대려고?

우리 강아지가 날 안 깨워 줬어.


Peter, I'm sorry. I'm running late.

Wow, What's a surprise !  You are late every time !

What's your excuse this time?

My dog didn't wake me up.



M Peter, I'm sorry. I'm running late.

   late = (형) 늦은 / (부) 늦게

   running late = 늦어지고 있는 = running behind schedule

   I'm early = 나 이르게 가고 있어.

   Rose says She is running late.

   We are running late. 


Z Wow, What's a surprise !  You are late every time !

   every time = 매번 / 항상

   Kevin is late every time !

   She got am A every time !



Z What's your excuse this time?

   this time = 이번에,   last time = 마지막으로

   What's the problem this time.

   I will get it right this time.


M My dog didn't wake me up.

   puppy = 강아지

   wake (목적어) up = (목적어)를 깨우다

   Wake me up at 5.

   I Woke them up in the morning.

   wake up > woke up > woken up


Q 지금 당장 그를 깨워 !

   Wake him up right now !



*  More expressions


Time //

All the Time = 항상 / 매번

I'm tired all the time, so i just take a nap.

I eat here all the time.

I come here all the time.

   take a nap = 낮잠을 자다


It's the (서수) time = (숫자) 번째야.

It's the 3rd time this month.

It's the 2nd time this month.

It's the 3rd time this week. 

It's the 2nd time this week.


It's time + to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 때다.

Maybe It's time to buy a new air conditioner.

   maybe = (부) 어쩌면  <  probably = (부사) 아마 / 아마도

It's time to get a job.

It's time to learn English.


Is this your first time (~ing) = (~ing) 하는 게 처음인가요?

Sure, Man.  Is this your first time bench-pressing?

   bench-press = 벤치 프레스를 하다

Is this your first time snowboarding?

Is this your first time traveling?

=> Yes, This is my first time bench-pressing.


This time = 이번에,   last time = 마지막으로

What's your excuse this time?

What's the problem this time.

I will get it right this time.


Every (요일) = on (요일) s = (요일) 마다

Every day = (부사) 매일  vs  everyday = (형용사) 일상적인

They are closed every Monday. = They are closed on Mondays.

closed = 닫힌 <=> open = 열린

She goes to church every Sunday. = She goes to church on Sundays.

I visit my parents every Monday. = I visit my parents on Mondays.

Yeah. We talk to each other every day.

   each other = one another

I come to this resturant every day.

Practice these patterns every day.


Every day = (부) 매일  vs  everyday = (형) 일상적인

Every single day = 날마다 / 매일

Yeah, She gives me $1 every day.

   give = 주다

I go to the gym every day.

She watches WCB English every day.

I water them every single day.

I take a walk every single day.

Jessica called me every single day.

   every other day = 격일로

I study English every single day.


Every other day = 격일로 / 이틀마다

Yeah, She gives me $2 every other day.

I visit my mon every other day.

I get $5 every other day.

   every other week = 격주로

   every other month = 격월로

Perry get $20 every other day.


Every time = 매번 / 항상

Wow, What's a surprise !  You are late every time !

Kevin is late every time !

She got am A every time !