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왕초보영어(제2309회) : 일상-아무튼 넌 식물은 못 키우겠다

by 가나다미 2024. 10. 22.

오, 이런.  식물들이 다 죽었네.

얼마나 자주 물을 주는데?

나 날마다 물 줘.

얘네들은 일주일에 한 번만 줘야 해.


Oh, no. The plants are all dead.

How often do you water them?

I water them every single day.

You are supposed to water them only once a week.



M Oh, no.  The plants are all dead.

   plant = 식물 > flower

   dead = (형) 죽은  vs die = (동) 죽다

   all = 모두 / 다 / 완전히

   We are all dead.

   They were all upset.


Z How often do you water them?

   water = (동) 물을 주다 / (명) 물

   often = 자주 ( 발음 시 't'가 묵음일 경우도 있음)

   how often (질문어순)? = 얼마나 자주 (질문어순)이니?

   How often do you see your girlfriend?

   How often do you exercise?



M I water them every single day.

   every single day = 날마다 / 매일

   I take a walk every single day.

   Jessica called me every single day.

   every other day = 격일로


Z You are supposed to water them only once a week.

   once a week = 일주일에 한 번,  twice a week = 일주일에 두 번

   once a month = 한 달에 한번,  twice a year = 일 년에 두 번

   be supposed to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하기로 되어있다 / (동사원형) 해야 한다.

   You are supposed to pick it up.

   I am supposed to call him.


Q 난 영어를 날마다 공부해

   I study English every single day.



*  More expressions


All (형용사) = 모두 / 다 / 완전히

(명사) ALL = (명사) 전부다 / 모두

It's obvious. Your face says it all.

   obvious = 뻔한 / 확연한 / 명백한

She ate it all.

I love you all.

I love them all

Oh, no.  The plants are all dead.

   plant = 식물 > flower

   dead = (형) 죽은  vs die = (동) 죽다

We are all dead.

They were all upset.


Every day = (부) 매일  vs  everyday = (형) 일상적인

Every single day = 날마다 / 매일

Yeah, She gives me $1 every day.

   give = 주다

I go to the gym every day.

She watches WCB English every day.

I water them every single day.

I take a walk every single day.

Jessica called me every single day.

   every other day = 격일로

I study English every single day.


Every other day = 격일로 / 이틀마다

Yeah, She gives me $2 every other day.

I visit my mon every other day.

I get $5 every other day.

   every other week = 격주로

   every other month = 격월로

Perry get $20 every other day.