비행기에서 제 이어폰을 떨어뜨린 거 같아요.
어디에 앉으셨죠?
좌석 A23에요. 들어가서 확인해도 되나요?
제가 확인해 볼게요. 여기서 기다리시면 됩니다.
I think I dropped my earphones on the plane.
Where did you sit?
Seat A23. Can i go in and check?
I'll do that. You can wait here.
M I think I dropped my earphones on the plane.
I think + (평서문) = 난 (평서문)이라 생각해 / (평서문)인 거 같아요
earphones = 이어폰(쌍)
drop = 떨어뜨리다 > vs fall = 떨어지다
I think I left it in the taxi.
I think I lost it around here.
Z Where did you sit?
Where (질문어순) = 어디에 / 어디에서 / 어디로 (질문어순) 이죠?
sit =앉다 > sat > sat
Where did you eat?
Where can I stay?
M Seat A23. Can I go in and check?
Can I (동사원형)? = 저 (동사원형) 해도 되나요?
seat = 좌석
Can I come too?
Can we take a break?
May I > Can I
Z I'll do that. You can wait here.
You can (동사원형) = 너 (동사원형) 해도 돼.
You can come, too.
You guys can take a break.
Q 내가 널 사랑하는 거 같아.
I think I love you.
* More expressions
I think + (평서문) = 난 (평서문)이라 생각해 / (평서문)인 거 같아요
Ok, I think I'm ready.
I think I need water.
I think You are smarter.
I think my boss hates me.
hate = 싫어하다
I think it's your destiny.
I think it's true.
Hey. I think he's calling you right now.
I think She is still sleeping.
I think English is easy.
Honey, We need a smaller stroller.
smaller = 더 작은 vs bigger = 더 큰
I think We need one more.
I think You are beautiful.
I think you are more smarter than me.
I think I dropped my earphones on the plane.
earphones = 이어폰(쌍)
drop = 떨어뜨리다 > vs fall = 떨어지다
I think I left it in the taxi.
I think I lost it around here.
I think I love you.
I think It's going to rain later.
I think She did a great job on the presentation.
I think We should leave early to avoid traffic.
I think This book is really interesting.
Where + (질문어순)? = 어디로/어디에/어디에서 (질문어순) 이죠?
Where is it going?
Where do your parents live?
Where did you go to school?
Good for you ! Where are you taking her?
Good for you ! < I'm happy for you !
Where are you taking your parents?
be (~ing) = 확정된 미래사실
Where should i meet you?
sit =앉다 > sat > sat
Where did you eat?
Where can I stay?
Can i (동사원형)? = 저 (동사원형) 할 수 있나요? / 해도 돼요?
Can i do it in the US?
Can i buy it everywhere?
Can i use this printer?
Can i see your ID, Ma'am?
may i > can i
Can i see your receipt?
Can i order it now?
Can (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해도 된다.
No, We don't. But you can just ask me.
You can use the bathroom.
They can stay longer.
Mom, Can i play a video game?
play = (스포츠 / 게임 등을) 하다.
Can i go home now?
Can i eat this pie?
Seat A23. Can I go in and check?
seat = 좌석
Can I come too?
Can we take a break?
May I > Can I
Can I borrow your pen for a moment?
Can I sit here?
Can I ask you a question?
Can I try on this jacket?
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