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왕초보영어 : 일상-친구 덕에 여자 친구 생길라

by 가나다미 2024. 8. 13.

그래서, 데이트 어떻게 됐어?

네가 추천한 한국식 카페에 데려갔어!

거기를 완전 좋아하더라고. 고마원, 친구 !

너 나한테 하나 빚진 거야.


So, How did your date go?

I took her to the Korean Cafe you recommended !

She absolutely loved the place. Thanks, bro !

You owe me one.



M So, How did your date go? = How was your date?

   Go = (진행) 되다

   Every thing went well.

   The interview didn't go well.

   How (질문어순) ? = 어떻게 (질문어순) 이야 ?

   How did the party go?

   How do you pronounce the word ?


Z I took her to the Korean Cafe you recommended !

   Recommend = 추천하다,   Cafe = 카페

   take (목적어) + to (명사) = (목적어)를 (명사)에 데려가다.

   I took him to the Han River.

   Can you take me the beach?



Z She absolutely loved the place. Thanks, bro !

   Absolutely = 완전히

   I absolutely enjoyed the show.

   You are absolutely right.

   Bro = son = brother


M You owe me one.

   owe (목적어) + (명사) = (목적어)에게 (명사)를 빚지다.

   I owe you one.

   Tom owes me 5$.


Q 난 그녀에게 20달러를 빚졌어.

   I owe her 20$.



*  More expressions


How (질문어순) ? = 어떻게 (질문어순) 이야? / 이니?

How did you know that?

How did you climb the tree?

How do you know my name?

How did you sleep, sweetness?

How do you eat your cookies?

How did you do on the test?

How did you test your exam?

How can i open this?

How did you meet your wife?

How did you solve the quiz?

How did you learn English?

How did you know Mike?

Wow !  How did you know that?

How did you get here?

How do you speak English so well?

   know = 알다 / 알고 있다.

   get = (장소 / 위치에) 도착하다 / 이르다.

How did you find me.

How do you do that? I envy you.

   I jealous of you > I envy you.

How do i memorize this?

How can i find her?

How do they know you?

So, How did your date go? = How was your date?

How did the party go?

How do you pronounce the word ?


Go //

To Go = 가기 위한 = 포장인

Is it for here or to go?

Is it to go?

It is to go.


Go easy + on (목적어) = (목적어)를 살살 대하다

   go easy <=> go hard

Ok, Please go easy on me.

Go easy on the new guy.

Please, Go easy on my back.

You are a big fan of coffee. Go easy on it.


Go to bed = Go to sleep = 잠자리에 들다

Go to bed already.  It's 9 o'clock.

Go to bed before 10 o'clock.

I went to bed too late.

I went to bed early.


Go to collage = 대학에 진학하다 / 대학에 다니다

Sanghoon is going to collage soon.

I don't want to go to college.

Mary couldn't go to college.


Go to the bank = 은행에 가다

Let me go to the bank tomorrow.

I have to go to the bank.

I couldn't go to the bank.

   let me = 부더러운 표현  vs  i will = 강한 의지


Go (~ing) = ~ 하러 가다.

Oh, my God ! I should go shopping today.

Let's go sking tomorrow.

We want fishing in Busan.


Going to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 계획이었다. / 할 것이다.

Be going to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 계획이었다.

We are going to stop at a rest area for 30 minutes.

I'm going to retire early.

We are going to go to the movies.

Oh, My God. Is it going to hurt?

It is going to hurt.

Are you going to leave soom?

It is going to rain !


Going to //

Was/were going to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하려고 했다.(아직 하지는 않았다)

Sure !  I was going to go there anyway.

I was going to call the police.

We were going to go to the gallery.

Were you going to call the police?


Going to //

Are you going to (동사원형)? = 너 (동사원형) 할 거야?

Wait...Are you going to marry Susan?

   marry = ~와 결혼하다 vs get marry = 결혼하다

Are you going to move out?

Are you going to divorce Ken?


Going to //

Aren't you going to (동사원형) ? = 너 (동사원형) 안 할 거야?

Are you going to (동사원형) ? = 너 (동사원형) 할 거야?

Aren't you going to answer it?

   answer it = answer the phone

Aren't you going to apologize?

Aren't you going to get dressed?

Aren't you going to eat?


Go and (동사) = 가서 (동사) 하다.

Let me go and ask him.

Let's go  and talk to him.

Go and see your doctor.

Go and wash your hands.


Go on vacation = 휴가를 가다

Are you going on vacation this summer?

I want to go on vacation.

I have never gone on vacation.

   this summer vs last summer


Go well  = 잘 (진행) 되다

So, How did your date go? = How was your date?

Every thing went well.

The interview didn't go well.

How did the party go?