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왕초보영어 : 여행-검색대는 이상하게 떨려

by 가나다미 2024. 8. 9.

바구니에 그 어떤 전자 기기라도 놓아주세요.

신발도 벗어야 할까요?

아뇨. 주머니 안에 뭐라도 있나요.

확인해 볼게요.  아, 그냥 제 지갑만 있어요.


Please place any electronic devices in the tray.

Should I take off my shoes as well?

No. Do you have anything in your pockets?

Let me check. Oh, Just my wallet.



M Please place any electronic devices in the tray?

   device = 장치(조그마한)  vs machine = 장치(크고 복잡한)

   Electronic = 전자의 ,    Tray = 바구니

   place (명사) = (명사)를 놓다

   Place your passport on the table.

   Place the card key here.


Z Should I take off my shoes as well?

   as well = too = also

   take off (명사) = (명사)를 벗다  <=>  put on = ~을 입다

   Take off your shirt.

   I took off my dirty socks.



M No. Do you have anything in your pockets?

   pocket = 주머니

   in (명사) = (명사) 안에

   I have nothing in my pockets.

   What's in the drawer?


Z Let me check. Oh, Just my wallet.

   wallet = 지갑(카드를 꽂을 수 있는)  vs  purse = 지갑 / 핸드백 (똑딱이 단추가 있는)

   let me (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할게요

   Let me double-check.

   Let me ask Mom.


Q 제 신분증을 드릴게요.

   Let me give you my Identification.



*  More expressions


Let me (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할게요

No problem. Here. Let me hold you.

   no problem = no sweat = 문제 없다,  here = 자

Let me help you.

Let me come back.

Actually, Let me comb your hair for you !

   comb = 빗 / 빗질하다

Let me cut your hair.

Let me tie your shoes.

Let me check. Oh, Just my wallet.

   wallet = 지갑(카드를 꽂을 수 있는)  vs  purse = 지갑 / 핸드백 (똑딱이 단추가 있는)

Let me double-check.

Let me ask Mom.

Let me give my Identification.


In (나라 / 주 / 도시) = (나라 / 주 / 도시)에 있는

Go to the korean consulate in New York City

Visit their office in Seoul.

Stop by our factory in seattle.


In (명사) = (명사)를 입은 / 신은 / 쓴 = wearing

Who's that guy in the white sneakers?

   sneaker = 운동화

Who's that girl in the yellow skirt?

Do you know that lady in the black pants?

Who's that girl in the pink shirt?


In (명사) = (명사) 안에

No. Do you have anything in your pockets?

   pocket = 주머니

I have nothing in my pockets.

What's in the drawer?


In college = 대학에서

Yeah. Her name was Wendy. We met in college.

I majored in chemistry college.

She was popular in college.

   in high school = 고등학교에서


In (시간/기간) = (시간/기간) 있다가

Ok, the fries will be ready in 5 minutes.

I will be ready in 30 minutes.

I can see you in an hour.

   in = 꽉 채운 시간  vs  within = ~ 전에

It will begin in 15 minutes.

   begin = start = 시작하다.

The show will begin in 30 minutes.

I'll be there in 3 weeks.


In (언어) = (언어)로 된.

Do you have a menu in English?

Do you have menu in Korean?

I read a book in English.


In years = 수년간 / 수년 동안

Nah, We haven't talked in years.

   talk = 애기하다

I haven't seen Jerry in years.

She hasn't called me in years.

   in years(수년간 한 번도 아닌, 부정문과)  vs  for years(수년간 계속, 긍정문과)